Ensuring Global Food Safety
Christine Boisrobert | Sangsuk Oh | Aleksandra Stjepanovic | Huub Lelieveld
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Taking into account toxicity levels at normal consumption levels, intake per kg bodyweight and other acknowledged considerations, each chapter in this book will be based on one or more proven examples. It is intended to provide specific examples and potential improvements to the safety of the world's food supply, while also increasing the amount of food available to those in undernourished countries. This book is designed to to provide science-based tools for improving legislation and regulation.
- Reduce amount of food destroyed due to difference in regulations between nations
- Positively impact the time-to-market of new food products by recognizing benefit of "one rule that applies to all"
- Use the comparison of regulations and resulting consequences to make appropriate, fully-informed decisions
- Employ proven science to obtain global consensus for regulations
- Understand how to harmonize test protocols and analytical methods for accurate measurement and evaluation
- Take advantage of using a risk/benefit based approach rather than risk/avoidance to maximize regulatory decisions
"This book is a must-read for policy-makers especially within the Ministries of Trade, Food and Agriculture, and related agencies. It is a good technical material for the Food and Drugs, and the Ghana Standards Authorities, Universities, Research Institutions and Students of food science, international relations, development economics, agribusiness, and associated disciplines."--Ghana Business News, September 4, 2013 "…the book provides a thorough examination of food safety legislation around the world…This book is a must-read for policy makers, especially within the ministries of Trade, Food and Agriculture, and related agencies."--Daily Graphic, August 23, 2013 "This book should be a useful reference for those attempting to harmonize food safety regulations. It should also serve as a stimulus for the growing network of food safety professionals who are involved in emerging efforts to create or restructure national and international food safety organizations, thereby facilitating the harmonization of global food safety procedures and regulations."--Food Technology "Based on the principles of the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI), Ensuring Global Food Safety offers a rational and multi-faceted approach to current food safety issues, while arguing that a science-based global regulatory framework will enhance the safety, availability and quality of the food supply worldwide. GHI was specifically established to help build global consensus on the scientific evidence underpinning food safety policy- making. This book provides practical examples in key areas such as microbiology, toxicology and nutrition, as well as discusses possible improvements necessary to sustain the integrity of the global food supply in the 21st century."--Global Harmonization Newsletter, January/February 2012