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Michael F. Ashby | Hugh Shercliff | David Cebon


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Book Details


The ultimate materials engineering resource for anyone developing skills and understanding of materials properties and selection for engineering applications. The book is a visually lead approach to understanding core materials properties and how these apply to selection and design. Linked with Granta Design's market-leading materials selection software which is used by organisations as diverse as Rolls-Royce, GE-Aviation, Honeywell, NASA and Los Alamos National Labs.

  • A complete introduction to the science and selection of materials in engineering, manufacturing, processing and product design
  • Unbeatable package from Professor Mike Ashby, the world’s leading materials selection innovator and developer of the Granta Design materials selection software
  • Links to materials selection software used widely by brand-name corporations, which shows how to optimise materials choice for products by performance, charateristics or cost