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Web Application Obfuscation

Web Application Obfuscation

Mario Heiderich | Eduardo Alberto Vela Nava | Gareth Heyes | David Lindsay


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Book Details


Web applications are used every day by millions of users, which is why they are one of the most popular vectors for attackers. Obfuscation of code has allowed hackers to take one attack and create hundreds-if not millions-of variants that can evade your security measures. Web Application Obfuscation takes a look at common Web infrastructure and security controls from an attacker's perspective, allowing the reader to understand the shortcomings of their security systems. Find out how an attacker would bypass different types of security controls, how these very security controls introduce new types of vulnerabilities, and how to avoid common pitfalls in order to strengthen your defenses.

  • Named a 2011 Best Hacking and Pen Testing Book by InfoSec Reviews
  • Looks at security tools like IDS/IPS that are often the only defense in protecting sensitive data and assets
  • Evaluates Web application vulnerabilties from the attacker's perspective and explains how these very systems introduce new types of vulnerabilities
  • Teaches how to secure your data, including info on browser quirks, new attacks and syntax tricks to add to your defenses against XSS, SQL injection, and more

"As the data stored in Web application systems becomes critical to business, the attacks against them are becoming increasingly complex. If you want to move your understanding beyond 'or 1=1--' this book provides the knowledge needed to bypass both filters and detection, crucial for both attack and defence." -- Andrew Waite, Security Researcher, InfoSanity Research