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Database Modeling and Design

Database Modeling and Design

Toby J. Teorey | Sam S. Lightstone | Tom Nadeau | H.V. Jagadish


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Book Details


Database Modeling and Design, Fifth Edition, focuses on techniques for database design in relational database systems.

This extensively revised fifth edition features clear explanations, lots of terrific examples and an illustrative case, and practical advice, with design rules that are applicable to any SQL-based system. The common examples are based on real-life experiences and have been thoroughly class-tested.

This book is immediately useful to anyone tasked with the creation of data models for the integration of large-scale enterprise data. It is ideal for a stand-alone data management course focused on logical database design, or a supplement to an introductory text for introductory database management.

  • In-depth detail and plenty of real-world, practical examples throughout
  • Loaded with design rules and illustrative case studies that are applicable to any SQL, UML, or XML-based system
  • Immediately useful to anyone tasked with the creation of data models for the integration of large-scale enterprise data

"Database Modeling and Design is one of the best books that I have seen for explaining how to build database applications. The book is informative, well-written, and concise."—Michael Blaha, DSc., Consultant, Modelsoft Consulting Corp

"This book book is by far the best book available on classic database design. Topics like normalization and many-to-many and n-ary association semantics are without peer in teaching you how to model real-world complexities. This latest edition extends the classic material with extensive discussion of modern tools and other aspects of logical database design. Every database architect should have this book at hand."—Bob Muller, Data Analyst, Poesys Associates