20th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering
S. Pierucci | G. Buzzi Ferraris
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Book Details
ESCAPE-20 is the most recent in a series of conferences that serves as a forum for engineers, scientists, researchers, managers and students from academia and industry to present and discuss progress being made in the area of "Computer Aided Process Engineering" (CAPE). CAPE covers computer-aided methods, algorithms and techniques related to process and product engineering. The ESCAPE-20 scientific program reflects the strategic objectives of the CAPE Working Party: to check the status of historically consolidated topics by means of their industrial application and to evaluate their emerging issues.
* Includes a CD that contains all research papers and contributions * Features a truly international scope, with guest speakers and keynote talks from leaders in science and industry * Presents papers covering the latest research, key topical areas, and developments in computer-aided process engineering (CAPE)