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Book Details
At last marketing managers and business executives concerned with profitability and sustained growth of their organisation have at their fingertips a practical guide which tells them how to prepare and use a marketing plan.
In this new edition of Marketing Plans, one of the world's leading marketing educators has greatly expanded his book to include the key recent developments in marketing techniques and a range of practical marketing tools. In Marketing Plans, the whole process of marketing planning - from initial assessment of a company's business plan to the steps necessary to ensure a company achieves its profit targets - is fully explained. There is an additional section which provides a step-by-step 'this is how you do it' guide to devising your own marketing plan, combining the very best of current practice with the necessary theoretical background. Marketers, executives and students studying for CIM and CAM exams will find the application of basic marketing principles to sound business practice invaluable.
For tutors, there is a comprehensive resource pack containing OHP masters, chapter-by-chapter tutor notes, examples of real marketing plans, case studies for classroom use and interactive exercises on floppy disks.
An international marketing bestseller
New two colour internal design with new page layout and features providing maximum clarity
Focuses on key recent developments in marketing techniques and provides a range of practical marketing tools
'I am extremely impressed by the step-by-step lucidity of what is presented.'
Dr. D. H. Eaton, North Carolina University
'A book reaching the quantities sold of Marketing Plans must be a book that is really used. It is not difficult to see why, Malcolm McDonald writes clearly about what to do in marketing and how to do it. Unlike many academic marketing writers, he will never let you forget that marketing ends with -ing.'
Kenneth Simmonds, Professor of Marketing and International Business, London Business School
'Malcolm McDonald is clearly one of the most respected Professors of Marketing in Europe and the author of a number of outstanding books. The fact that Marketing Plans has been such a massive seller offers testimony of this. McDonald writes with clarity and insight that is becoming increasingly rare today. It is powerful, up-to-date and has proved that it works. I commend it to you!'
John D. Ryans, Jr, Bridgestone Professor of International Business and Professor of International Marketing, Kent State University, Ohio
'It is clearly and powerfully written and is probably the best book on the theory and practice of marketing planning ever written. It is a bestseller in Europe and I strongly recommend the book to anyone with an interest in marketing planning.'
Warren J. Keegan, Professor of International Business and Marketing Director, Institute for Global Business Strategy, Pace University, New York
The acclaimed guru on marketing planning is back! This time, it's a completely revised and updated version of his international best seller (yes, business books do have their high flyer!). Marketing Plans, which carries the endorsement of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, is an acknowledged leading text on what might otherwise be a turgid and laborious subject for most managers. McDonald takes the reader from first marketing principles right the way through to the development of a complete segemented marketing plan, with advice on implementation issues, and the creation of an on-going marketing planning system - something often missing from some organisations which regard marketing planning as 'an exercise for the consultants' once every five to ten years when someone else is paying! Marketing Plans is nearly 600 pages in total, but McDonald, who cleverly appears to understand that busy chief executives have little time for full-blown managements epics, directs the surfers straight to chapter 13 for a step-by-step overview of a marketing planning system. Whilst Marketing Plans is obviously designed for the full breadth of commercial organisations, the techniques revealed are in the main, immediately transferable into the not-for-profit sectors such as the arts. And if you're still not convinced that marketing planning is a good thing? Well, the ever-enterprising McDonald has also published two Larson-esque cartoon versions of Marketing Plans - but that's for another review.
Arts Business Magazine - 26th Feb 2001