Embedded Hardware: Know It All
Jack Ganssle | Tammy Noergaard | Fred Eady | Lewin Edwards | David J. Katz | Rick Gentile | Ken Arnold | Kamal Hyder | Bob Perrin
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The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf!
Circuit design using microcontrollers is both a science and an art. This book covers it all. It details all of the essential theory and facts to help an engineer design a robust embedded system. Processors, memory, and the hot topic of interconnects (I/O) are completely covered. Our authors bring a wealth of experience and ideas; this is a must-own book for any embedded designer.
*A 360 degree view from best-selling authors including Jack Ganssle, Tammy Noergard, and Fred Eady
*Key facts, techniques, and applications fully detailed
*The ultimate hard-working desk reference: all the essential information, techniques, and tricks of the trade in one volume
"The authors know their subject and present it well. Examples include C and BASIC code that will run on a PIC12F675 microcontroller."
"If you want information about the overall aspects of empbedded-system design, this book deserves a look."
"David Katz and Rick Gentile of Analog Devices do an admirable job covering memory architectures and storage technologies and devices."
"The authors know theit subject and present it well."