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Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry

Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry

G.W. Gribble | Thomas L. Gilchrist


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This volume of Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry (PHC) is the fourteenth annual review of the literature, covering the work published on important heterocyclic ring systems during 2001. In this volume there are two specialized reviews. The first, by Jan Bergman and Tomasz Janosik, covers their work on sulfur-containing indoles. The second, by David Knight, discusses 5-endo-trig iodocyclisations. The subsequent chapters, arranged by increasing heterocycle ring size, review recent advances in the field of heterocyclic chemistry with emphasis on synthesis and reactions.
Gareth Rowlands
Overall the book is extremely well written and is an admirable reference material for those wanting to keep up to date with developments in heterocyclic chemistry or even for those wanting to reacquaint themselves with the field.
Dr. Peter Quayle
This volume provides an overview of contemporary heterocyclic chemistry, giving those lapsed members of the club an authoritative précis of the current state of play. Perhaps more importantly, it facilitates the inquisitive, serendipitous browsing of areas that may have been missed - which, from my experience, often provide unforeseen avenues for further investigation. I will stongly recommend purchase of this book for my institution's library.
Chemistry and Industry, Issue 19