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The Practical Pumping Handbook

The Practical Pumping Handbook

Ross C Mackay


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Book Details


The Practical Pumping Handbook is a practical account of pumping, piping and seals starting with basics and providing detailed but accessible information on all aspects of the pumping process and what can go wrong with it. Written by an acknowledged expert with years of teaching experience in the practical understanding of pumps and systems.

  • Aids understanding of pumps to minimize failures and time-out
  • A practical handbook covering the basics of the pumping process
  • Written by an acknowledged expert

"The real value of this book is how easy it is to read and understand. I have bought several copies for our Technicians in the mill, and it will be provided to individuals as they enter our Pump and Mechanical Seal training program."
David Djuric, Business Unit Leader, Maintenance Resource Services, Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc.
"This is an excellent and concise reference. Anyone responsible for pumping equipment should have a copy handy."
Kevin Delaney, Consulting Engineer