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Guard Force Management, Updated Edition

Guard Force Management, Updated Edition

Lucien Canton



Guard Force Management looks at the contract guard force as a business and demonstrates how current management techniques can be used to improve efficiency and increase profitability. The author takes proven management principles and applies them to the competitive security industry.
This updated edition includes an entirely new chapter on preparation and response to crisis in order to maintain business continuity. The book focuses on administrative and financial functions that are frequently neglected in guard companies, and discusses planning and conducting guard operations in detail.
* Addresses the administrative, financial and client service needs of the security guard function;
* Details the analytical steps needed to establish, equip, train and employ a guard force;
* Emphasizes practical, proven management techniques
…much of the information provided valuable benchmarks for proprietary guard programs, especially as regards hiring, training, and management. – Security Management
…leaving original chapters intact underscores Canton’s point that bedrock security principles don’t change. – Security Management
In sum, the result is an incremental improvement of a fine first edition. – Security Management