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Book Details
Optimization is a mathematical tool developed in the early 1960's used to find the most efficient and feasible solutions to an engineering problem. It can be used to find ideal shapes and physical configurations, ideal structural designs, maximum energy efficiency, and many other desired goals of engineering.
This book is intended for use in a first course on engineering design and optimization. Material for the text has evolved over a period of several years and is based on classroom presentations for an undergraduate core course on the principles of design. Virtually any problem for which certain parameters need to be determined to satisfy constraints can be formulated as a design optimization problem. The concepts and methods described in the text are quite general and applicable to all such formulations. Inasmuch, the range of application of the optimum design methodology is almost limitless, constrained only by the imagination and ingenuity of the user. The book describes the basic concepts and techniques with only a few simple applications. Once they are clearly understood, they can be applied to many other advanced applications that are discussed in the text.
* Allows engineers involved in the design process to adapt optimum design concepts in their work using the material in the text.
* Basic concepts of optimality conditions and numerical methods are described with simple examples, making the material high teachable and learnable.
* Classroom-tested for many years to attain optimum pedagogical effectiveness.
"The book is definitely a reference that practitioners would like to have and depend upon, especially with the plethora of examples and applications...the book is a solid introduction to optimization algorithms." - Georges Fadel, Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanical Design
"Arora’s Introduction to Optimum Design, 2nd Ed., furthers its goal of describing engineering design optimization in a rigorous yet simplified manner which is both highly accessible to and useful for a wide audience." - David F. Thompson, Graduate Program Director, University of Cincinnati
"I have used several optmization books over the past 10 years to support my various graduate optimization courses. Of all the books that I have used, I prefer Dr. Arora’s Introduction to Optimum Design, 2nd Ed" - Tom R. Mincer, California State University
"...this book is well written and covers just about every topic that one needs to know about the optimum design process. It includes a good balance of theory and application. The book will therefore be appealing to all users." - Practice Periodical On Structural Design and Construction - ASCE, Nov. 2005