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The Art of Designing Embedded Systems

The Art of Designing Embedded Systems

Jack Ganssle


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Art of Designing Embedded Systems is apart primer and part reference, aimed at practicing embedded engineers, whether working on the code or the hardware design. Embedded systems suffer from a chaotic, ad hoc development process. This books lays out a very simple seven-step plan to get firmware development under control. There are no formal methodologies to master; the ideas are immediately useful. Most designers are unaware that code complexity grows faster than code size. This book shows a number of ways to linearize the complexity/size curve and get products out faster. Ganssle shows ways to get better code and hardware designs by integrating hardware and software design. He also covers troubleshooting, real time and performance issues, relations with bosses and coworkers, and tips for building an environment for creative work.
Get better systems out faster, using the practical ideas discussed in Art of Designing Embedded Systems. Whether you're working with hardware or software, this book offers a unique philosophy of development guaranteed to keep you interested and learning.
* Practical advice from a well-respected author
* Common-sense approach to better, faster design
* Integrated hardware/software
Ganssle takes a direction that I find refreshing. Rather than presenting a one-size-fits-all methodology-a Ganssle Unified Process-he shares anecdote after anecdote, suggestion after suggestion. He's not telling design teams to change their strategies. He just refines them, and throws in a few more tactics along the way, with a conversational style that makes you think you're chatting away at a conference, rather than reading a book about electronics.
-Software Development Times
This book is equally valuable for someone looking for a higher-level understanding of the process of building reliable embedded systems, and the steps that can be taken to deliver them on time and on budget. -Software Development Times
...shows readers how to get better, more integrated code and hardware designs and how to troubleshoot the inevitable bugs. This book presents a philosophy of development, instead of a cookbook of directions. -Poptronics