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Book Details
Hazardous Waste Handbook 3E offers a straightforward approach to protecting workers who clean up the nation's hazardous waste sites and chemical spills. Supervisors and site inspectors will find this handbook very useful in answering occupational health questions at the work site.
The manual covers such topics as site characterization, air monitoring, personal protective equipment, decontamination, and site emergencies. Numerous health and safety checklists, hazardous-chemical data sheets, and personal protective equipment recommendations are presented for field decisions. The goal of the book is to provide practical information on protecting workers while also containing the high cost of hazardous chemical waste cleanups.
Provides practical information on protecting workers and keeping cleanup costs down
Designed to allow supervisors and site inspectors to find information quickly
Offers numerous health and safety checklists, hazardous chemical data sheets, and recommendations on protective equipment
You get the feeling the authors have some genuine site experience. They note the everyday dangers of slips, mechanical injuries and drowning in lagoons, as well as those from the properties of the waste. Their advice is to be prepared for the activity you intend and the one you may be faced with. There are useful lists of the boring things you might need, such as rinse tubs for boots and plastic sheeting. Stainless steel is expensive material to use for a drum of waste, they say, so the contents are probably dangerous.
-Chemistry and Industry
'....offers a straightforward approach to protecting the workers who clean up the nation's hazardous waste sites and chemical spills. The book is designed to help supervisors and site inspectors find information quickly e.g. answering occupational health questions at the work site. The manual is comprehensive and covers such topics ranging from site characterization, air monitoring, personal protective equipment, decontamination, and site emergencies. Numerous health and safety checklists, hazardous chemical data sheets, and personal protective equipment recommendations are presented for field decisions. The book also provides practical information on protecting workers and details the costs of hazardous chemical waste cleanup.' - Industrial Environmental Management