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Foundations of Engineering Acoustics

Foundations of Engineering Acoustics

Frank J. Fahy


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Foundations of Engineering Acoustics takes the reader on a journey from a qualitative introduction to the physical nature of sound, explained in terms of common experience, to mathematical models and analytical results which underlie the techniques applied by the engineering industry to improve the acoustic performance of their products. The book is distinguished by extensive descriptions and explanations of audio-frequency acoustic phenomena and their relevance to engineering, supported by a wealth of diagrams, and by a guide for teachers of tried and tested class demonstrations and laboratory-based experiments.

Foundations of Engineering Acoustics is a textbook suitable for both senior undergraduate and postgraduate courses in mechanical, aerospace, marine, and possibly electrical and civil engineering schools at universities. It will be a valuable reference for academic teachers and researchers and will also assist Industrial Acoustic Group staff and Consultants.

  • Comprehensive and up-to-date: broad coverage, many illustrations, questions, elaborated answers, references and a bibliography
  • Introductory chapter on the importance of sound in technology and the role of the engineering acoustician
  • Deals with the fundamental concepts, principles, theories and forms of mathematical representation, rather than methodology
  • Frequent reference to practical applications and contemporary technology
  • Emphasizes qualitative, physical introductions to each principal as an entrée to mathematical analysis for the less theoretically oriented readers and courses
  • Provides a 'cook book' of demonstrations and laboratory-based experiments for teachers
  • Useful for discussing acoustical problems with non-expert clients/managers because the descriptive sections are couched in largely non-technical language and any jargon is explained
  • Draws on the vast pedagogic experience of the writer

“...a masterpiece of thoroughness, organization, and clarity...sure to become a classic in acoustical literature and should be on the shelves of every acoustics library.”
— Jorge P. Arenas, Auburn University, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2001
“Foundations of Engineering Acoustics does great service to the field of acoustics by providing an appropriate introduction to the practical implications of noise and vibration in engineering and everyday life in general.”
— Donald Quinn, Institute of Acoustics Bulletin
“Overall, Frank Fahy has written a book that is up to the standard of erudition, authoritativeness and pedagogical excellence that we have come to expect from him on the basis of his other publications.”
— Applied Acoustics, Vol. 66, Issue 1, January 2005
“I found that this book serves its purpose as a comprehensive introduction to acoustics for the upper level engineering student. I can also recommend the text as a refresher for the practicing engineer.”
— Stephen M. Jaeger, Colin Gordon & Associates, San Bruno, CA, USA