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Practical Process Research and Development

Practical Process Research and Development

Neal G. Anderson


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This book provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to organic process research and development in the pharmaceutical, fine chemical, and agricultural chemical industries. Process R&D describes the steps taken, following synthesis and evaluation, to bring key compounds to market in a cost-effective manner. More people are being hired for work in this area as increasing numbers of drug candidates are identified through combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening. The book is directed to industrial (primarily organic) chemists, and academicians (particularly those involved in a growing number of start-up companies) and students who need insight into industrial process R&D. Current books do not describe hands-on, step-by-step, approaches to solving process development problems, including route, reagent, and solvent selection; optimising catalytic reactions; chiral syntheses; and "green chemistry." "Practical Process Research and Development" will be a valuable resource for researchers, managers, and graduate students.

  • Provides insights into generating rugged, practical, cost-effective processes for the chemical preparation of "small molecules"
  • Breaks down process optimization into route, reagent and solvent selection, development of reaction conditions, workup, crystallizations and more
  • Includes over 100 tips for rapid process development
  • Presents guidelines for implementing and troubleshooting processes

"Neal Anderson has assembled an immense amount of practical information that is absolutely essential to the design and execution of safe, reliable, efficient large-scale syntheses. Critical facts once hidden in obscure sources or chemical folklore are now organized for ready access. Countless illustrative reactions and sequences from the latest literature are discussed lucidly, and impress upon the reader the scope and sophistication of modern organic process chemistry. This book is a must for beginners and old hands alike."
- Raymond Conrow, Assistant Technical Director, Chemical Preparations Research, Alcon Laboratories
"Perhaps the highest praise one can give this book is to say that the Foreword by Barry Sharpless raises very high expectations...and the book meets and at times exceeds those expectations."
- Organic Process Research & Development