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Comprehensive Chemometrics

Comprehensive Chemometrics

Romà Tauler | Beata Walczak | Steven D. Brown | Steven D. Brown


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Designed to serve as the first point of reference on the subject, Comprehensive Chemometrics presents an integrated summary of the present state of chemical and biochemical data analysis and manipulation. The work covers all major areas ranging from statistics to data acquisition, analysis, and applications.

This major reference work provides broad-ranging, validated summaries of the major topics in chemometrics—with chapter introductions and advanced reviews for each area. The level of material is appropriate for graduate students as well as active researchers seeking a ready reference on obtaining and analyzing scientific data.

  • Features the contributions of leading experts from 21 countries, under the guidance of the Editors-in-Chief and a team of specialist Section Editors: L. Buydens; D. Coomans; P. Van Espen; A. De Juan; J.H. Kalivas; B.K. Lavine; R. Leardi; R. Phan-Tan-Luu; L.A. Sarabia; and J. Trygg
  • Examines the merits and limitations of each technique through practical examples and extensive visuals: 368 tables and more than 1,300 illustrations (750 in full color)
  • Integrates coverage of chemical and biological methods, allowing readers to consider and test a range of techniques
  • Consists of 2,200 pages and more than 90 review articles, making it the most comprehensive work of its kind
  • Offers print and online purchase options, the latter of which delivers flexibility, accessibility, and usability through the search tools and other productivity-enhancing features of ScienceDirect

"An excellent source of up-to-date information…essential for researchers and others working in the field." --Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

"Contains much to interest the spectroscopist…well worthy of a place in any analytical science library." --Spectroscopy Europe

"Highly recommended…Should find a merited place on bookshelves alongside its predecessors." --Alexey L. Pomerantsev and Oxana Ye. Rodionova, Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Russia

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
e9780444527028v1 1
Series page 3
Title page 4
Copyright \rPage 5
Contents of Volume 1\r 6
Contributors to Volume 1 8
Preface 10
Editors in Chief 11
Contents of All Volumes 12
Section Editors 16
1.01 An Introduction to the Theory of Sampling: An EssentialPart of Total Quality Management 20
Symbols 36
1.01.1 Introduction 21
1.01.2 Scope 21
1.01.3 Definitions and Notations 22
1.01.4 Dividing a Complex Problem into its Basic Components 22
1.01.5 Exercises Challenging the Reader 25
1.01.6 The Critical Importance of Sampling Courses 28
1.01.7 The Enemies and Their Link to Geostatistics 29
1.01.8 Large-Scale Variability 29
1.01.9 Conclusions 32
1.01.10 Recommendations 32
References 34
1.02 Quality of Analytical Measurements: StatisticalMethods for Internal Validation 36
1.02.1 Introduction 37
1.02.2 Confidence and Tolerance Intervals 42
1.02.3 Hypothesis Test 50
1.02.4 One-Way Analysis of Variance 64
1.02.5 Statistical Inference and Validation 73
Appendix 84
References 91
1.03 Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry 96
Symbols 96
1.03.1 Overview of Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry 97
1.03.2 z-Scoring 98
1.03.3 Validation of Test Materials 109
1.03.4 Further Information from Proficiency Testing Results 112
References 113
1.04 Statistical Control of Measures and Processes 116
Symbols 116
1.04.1 Introduction: Basics of Process Monitoring 119
1.04.2 Phases in Process Monitoring 121
1.04.3 Shewhart Control Charts 121
1.04.4 CUSUM Control Charts 123
1.04.5 EWMA Control Charts 124
1.04.6 Performance Measures of Control Charts 125
1.04.7 Control Charts for Autocorrelated Processes 127
1.04.8 Integration of SPC and Engineering Process Control 130
1.04.9 Multivariate Control Charts 131
1.04.10 Software 142
Acknowledgments 142
References 143
1.05 Quality of Analytical Measurements: UnivariateRegression 146
Symbols 147
1.05.1 Introduction 147
1.05.2 Linear Regression in Calibration: Elements and Procedure 148
1.05.3 Statistical Validation of a Calibration Model 153
1.05.4 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing 159
1.05.5 The Design of a Calibration 167
1.05.6 The Capability of Detection, the Decision Limit, and the Capability of Discrimination Computed from a Regression Model 170
1.05.7 Standard Addition Method 172
1.05.8 Weighted Least Squares and Generalized Least Squares 173
1.05.9 Robust Regression in Calibration 178
1.05.10 Errors in Both Variables 182
1.05.11 Final Remark 183
References 184
1.06 Resampling and Testing in Regression Models withEnvironmetrical Applications 190
1.06.1 Introduction to Bootstrap 190
1.06.2 Bootstrap Resampling Methods for Regression 192
1.06.3 Generalized Additive Models 193
1.06.4 Constructing CIs in GAMs 195
1.06.5 Generalized Additive Model with Interactions 198
1.06.6 Bootstrap-Based Methods for Testing Interactions 199
References 203
1.07 Robust and Nonparametric Statistical Methods 208
Symbols 208
1.07.1 Introduction 209
1.07.2 Location and Scale Estimation 209
1.07.3 Correlation and Covariance 214
1.07.4 Regression 216
1.07.5 Investigation Dependence Structures 222
1.07.6 Bibliographic Notes 227
Acknowledgments 228
References 228
1.08 Bayesian Methodology in Statistics 232
Symbols 233
1.08.1 Introduction and Notation 233
1.08.2 Axiomatic Foundations 235
1.08.3 Bayesian Methodology 238
1.08.4 Reference Analysis 247
1.08.5 Inference Summaries 255
1.08.6 Discussion 261
Acknowledgments 262
References 262
1.09 Experimental Design: Introduction 266
1.09.1 Screening 267
1.09.2 Quantitative Study of the Factors 267
1.09.3 Response Surface Methodology 267
1.09.4 Mixtures or Formulations 267
1.09.5 Nonclassical Strategies 268
1.10 Screening Strategies 270
1.10.1 Introduction 270
1.10.2 Screening Saturated Designs 273
1.10.3 Supersaturated Designs 283
1.10.4 Screening Designs at More than Two Levels 295
1.10.5 Multilevel Supersaturated Designs 300
1.10.6 Applications of Supersaturated Designs 310
1.10.7 Composite Samples and Group Screening 311
1.10.8 Sequential Bifurcation 315
References 316
1.11 The Study of Experimental Factors 320
1.11.1 Introduction 321
1.11.2 Factorial Designs 329
1.11.3 Fractional Factorial Designs 348
1.11.4 Concluding Remarks 361
Acknowledgments for the Permissions to Use Copyrighted Material 362
References 362
1.12 Response Surface Methodology 364
1.12.1 Introduction 365
1.12.2 Elements and Notation 365
1.12.3 Optimality of the Variance of the Estimates 369
1.12.4 Some Aspects of the Statistical Validation of the Model 373
1.12.5 Experimental Design for Fitting Response Surfaces 385
1.12.6 Analysis of a Quadratic Response Surface 394
1.12.7 Final Remark 406
References 407
1.13 Experimental Design for Mixture Studies 410
1.13.1 Introduction 410
1.13.2 Mixture Domain 412
1.13.3 Mixture Design for Simplex (-Shaped) Regions 428
1.13.4 Designs for Constrained Mixtures 433
1.13.5 Analysis and Optimization 449
1.13.6 Concluding Remarks 468
References 468
1.14 Nonclassical Experimental Designs 472
1.14.1 Introduction 472
1.14.2 Methodological Approach 474
1.14.3 Criteria 476
1.14.4 Combined Designs 490
1.14.5 Final Remark 513
References 516
1.15 Experimental Designs: Conclusions, Terminology, andSymbols 520
1.15.1 Terminology 521
1.15.2 Symbols 522
1.16 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 526
Symbols 526
1.16.1 Introduction 527
1.16.2 Numerical Optimization 528
1.16.3 Optimization in Chemometrics 530
1.16.4 Unconstrained Optimization Methods 531
1.16.5 Globalization Strategies 543
1.16.6 Constrained Optimization Methods 550
1.16.7 Discussion 561
Acknowledgments 562
References 562
1.17 Sequential Optimization Methods 566
Symbols 566
1.17.1 Introduction 568
1.17.2 Sequential Optimization Methods 570
1.17.3 Mixed Sequential–Simultaneous Optimization Methods 588
1.17.4 Conclusions 591
References 591
1.18 Steepest Ascent, Steepest Descent, and GradientMethods 596
Symbols 596
1.18.1 Introduction 596
1.18.2 Method 599
1.18.3 Examples 603
1.18.4 Conclusion 608
References 608
1.19 Multicriteria Decision-Making Methods 610
1.19.1 Introduction 610
1.19.2 Basic Notation 613
1.19.3 Illustrative Example 614
1.19.4 Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods 615
References 644
1.20 Genetic Algorithms 650
1.20.1 Introduction 650
1.20.2 The Evolution Theory 651
1.20.3 How to Transform the Evolution Theory into an Optimization Technique? 652
1.20.4 The Problem of Coding 652
1.20.5 Steps of the GAs 654
1.20.6 Comments about the Parameters of the GAs 658
1.20.7 Hybrid Algorithms 659
1.20.8 Looking for the Global Maximum: Is it Worthwhile? 660
1.20.9 Applications 660
1.20.10 A Specific Application: Variable Selection in Spectral Data Sets 661
References 670
Index to Volume 1 674
e9780444527028v2 692
Series page 694
Title page 695
Copyright page 696
Contents of Volume 2 697
Contributors to Volume 2 701
Preface 705
Editors in Chief 706
Contents of All Volumes 707
Section Editors 711
2.01 Background Estimation, Denoising, and Preprocessing 715
2.01.1 Introduction 715
2.01.2 Improving the Signal-to-Noise Ratio 716
2.01.3 Variable Shift, Alignment, and Normalization 717
2.01.4 Model-Based Approaches in Preprocessing 719
2.01.5 Conclusions and Discussion 719
References 720
2.02 Denoising and Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhancement: Classical Filtering 723
Symbols 723
2.02.1 Introduction 723
2.02.2 Nonrecursive Filters 724
2.02.3 Recursive Filters 733
References 737
2.03 Denoising and Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhancement: Wavelet Transform and Fourier Transform 739
Glossary 739
2.03.1 Introduction 740
2.03.2 Basics of Fourier and Wavelet Analysis 741
2.03.3 Off-Line Denoising 750
2.03.4 On-line Denoising 760
2.03.5 Conclusions 768
References 768
2.04 Denoising and Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhancement: Derivatives Derivatives 771
Symbols 771
2.04.1 Derivatives 771
References 779
2.05 Denoising and Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhancement: Splines 781
Symbols 781
2.05.1 Splines 781
References 795
2.06 Variable Shift and Alignment 799
Symbols 799
2.06.1 Introduction 800
2.06.2 Data Reduction 804
2.06.3 Dynamic Programming 804
2.06.4 Alignment Techniques 806
2.06.5 Settings and Applications 819
References 820
2.07 Normalization and Closure 823
Symbols 823
Glossary 824
2.07.1 Introduction 824
2.07.2 Statistical Considerations 826
2.07.3 General Normalization Methods 828
2.07.4 DNA Microarray Normalization 833
2.07.5 Assessment and Quality Control of Normalization Performance 836
2.07.6 Conclusions 838
References 838
2.08 Model Based Preprocessing and Background Elimination: OSC, OPLS, and O2PLS 843
Symbols 843
Glossary 844
2.08.1 Orthogonal Signal Correction 844
2.08.2 Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures 845
2.08.3 Bidirectional OPLS 847
2.08.4 Kernel-Based Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures 849
References 850
2.09 Standard Normal Variate, Multiplicative Signal Correction and Extended Multiplicative Signal Correction Preprocessing in Biospectroscopy 853
Symbols 853
2.09.1 Introduction 854
2.09.2 Ideal and Nonideal Spectral Measurements 854
2.09.3 Baseline and Scaling Problems 856
2.09.4 Linearization of Instrument Response 857
2.09.5 Unwanted Instrument-Induced Channel Shifts 858
2.09.6 Random Errors 858
2.09.7 Advanced Baseline and Scaling Problems 859
2.09.8 Formal Description of Extended Multiplicative Signal Correction 862
2.09.9 Preprocessing Examples 864
2.09.10 Conclusions 873
Acknowledgments 873
References 873
2.10 Batch Process Modeling and MSPC 877
2.10.1 Introduction 877
2.10.2 Industrial Examples 879
2.10.3 Analyzing Historical Batch Process Data 881
2.10.4 Online Prediction of Future Trajectories and Final Quality 898
2.10.5 Monitoring (MSPC) of Batch Processes 900
2.10.6 Control and Optimization of Batch Processes 906
2.10.7 Conclusions 908
References 908
2.11 Evaluation of Preprocessing Methods 913
Symbols 913
2.11.1 Introduction 913
2.11.2 Theoretical Background and Methods 914
2.11.3 Example of Evaluation of Preprocessing 915
2.11.4 Discussion and Conclusions 918
References 919
2.12 Linear Soft-Modeling: Introduction 921
2.13 Principal Component Analysis: Concept, Geometrical Interpretation, Mathematical Background, Algorithms, History, Practice 925
Symbols 925
2.13.1 Introduction 925
2.13.2 PCA: Basic Concepts and Master Equation 926
2.13.3 Geometrical Properties of PCA 928
2.13.4 Mathematical Background 931
2.13.5 History 934
2.13.6 Application Example 935
References 938
2.14 Independent Component Analysis 941
2.14.1 Representation of Multivariate Data 941
2.14.2 Blind Source Separation 944
2.14.3 Independent Component Analysis 945
2.14.4 ICA Estimation Principles 948
2.14.5 Validation of Independent Components 950
2.14.6 Evaluation of Algorithmic Performance 951
2.14.7 Tutorial Examples 953
2.14.8 Conclusions 960
Acknowledgments 960
References 960
2.15 Introduction to Multivariate Curve Resolution 963
2.15.1 Key Concepts 963
2.15.2 History 967
2.15.3 Ambiguities 968
2.15.4 Applications 968
References 970
2.16 Two-Way Data Analysis: Evolving Factor Analysis 975
2.16.1 Introduction 975
2.16.2 The Data 975
2.16.3 Abstract Factor Analysis 976
2.16.4 Traditional EFA 978
2.16.5 Fixed Size Moving Window-EFA 980
2.16.6 Exhaustive-EFA 982
2.16.7 EFA of Images, Two-Dimensional-EFA 983
2.16.8 Computational Aspects 985
2.16.9 Using the Results of EFA 986
References 987
2.17 Two-Way Data Analysis: Detection of Purest Variables 989
Symbols 989
Glossary 990
2.17.1 Introduction 990
2.17.2 Key Set Factor Analysis 991
2.17.3 Simple-To-Use Interactive Self-Modeling Mixture Analysis 1001
2.17.4 Orthogonal Projection Approach 1010
2.17.5 Stepwise Maximum Angle Calculation 1012
2.17.6 Conclusion 1017
Acknowledgment 1019
References 1019
2.18 Two-Way Data Analysis: Multivariate Curve Resolution – Noniterative Resolution Methods 1023
2.18.1 Introduction 1023
2.18.2 Evolving Feature and Informative Windows in Two-Way Data 1024
2.18.3 Evolving Factor Analysis 1025
2.18.4 Heuristic Evolving Latent Projections 1026
2.18.5 Window Factor Analysis 1030
2.18.6 Subwindow Factor Analysis 1033
References 1035
2.19 Two-Way Data Analysis: Multivariate Curve Resolution – Iterative Resolution Methods 1039
Iterative Resolution Methods 1039
2.19.1 Introduction 1039
2.19.2 Iterative Methods Based on the Optimization of Transformation Matrices 1044
2.19.3 Methods Based on the Optimization of Concentration Profiles and/or Spectra 1049
2.19.4 Conclusions 1054
References 1055
2.20 Two-Way Data Analysis: Multivariate Curve Resolution – Error in Curve Resolution 1059
2.20.1 Introduction 1059
2.20.2 Characterization of MCR Ambiguities and Error Maps 1061
2.20.3 Estimation of MCR Feasible Band Boundaries 1064
2.20.4 Error Propagation in MCR Solutions 1069
2.20.5 Conclusions 1075
References 1075
2.21 Multiway Data Analysis: Eigenvector-Based Methods 1079
Symbols 1080
2.21.1 Introduction 1081
2.21.2 Notation and Conventions 1083
2.21.3 The Model and Uniqueness Conditions 1083
2.21.4 Background and Current Position of GRAM 1087
2.21.5 Theoretical Properties of GRAM Results 1097
2.21.6 Practical Aspects of GRAM 1102
2.21.7 Software 1108
2.21.8 Applications 1108
2.21.9 Conclusions and Recommendations 1110
Appendix 1: Derivation of SK and WSK Methods 1110
Appendix 2: Derivation of the DTD Method 1112
Appendix 3: The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem 1113
Appendix 4: Matlab Implementation of SK and WSK Methods 1113
References 1114
2.22 Multilinear Models: Iterative Methods 1125
Symbols 1125
2.22.1 Introduction 1126
2.22.2 PARAFAC Models 1127
2.22.3 Tucker Models 1145
2.22.4 Hybrid Models 1156
Appendix 1160
Vectorization, Matricization, and Other Rearrangements of Multiway Arrays 1162
References 1162
2.23 Multiset Data Analysis: ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis and Related Methods 1167
2.23.1 Introduction 1167
2.23.2 Theory 1168
2.23.3 Case Study 1174
2.23.4 Relationship of ASCA to Other Methods 1181
2.23.5 Further Developments 1182
Acknowledgments 1182
References 1183
2.24 Multiset Data Analysis: Extended Multivariate Curve Resolution 1187
2.24.1 Introduction 1187
2.24.2 Extension of Multivariate Curve Resolution to the Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Data Matrices (Multiway Data and Multiset Data) 1188
2.24.3 Including Hard Modeling Constraints in Multivariate Curve Resolution 1201
2.24.4 Applications 1205
2.24.5 Conclusions 1215
References 1215
2.25 Other Topics in Soft-Modeling: Maximum Likelihood-Based Soft-Modeling Methods 1221
2.25.1 Introduction 1222
2.25.2 Maximum Likelihood Principal Components Analysis 1228
2.25.3 Practical Considerations for MLPCA 1242
2.25.4 Related Techniques 1255
2.25.5 Applications 1257
2.25.6 Conclusions 1270
References 1270
2.26 Unsupervised Data Mining: Introduction 1273
Symbols 1273
2.26.1 Introduction 1273
2.26.2 Data Sets 1274
2.26.3 Uncovering Data Heterogeneity: Cluster Analysis and Data Mapping 1275
2.26.4 Clustering Challenges 1280
2.26.5 Summary 1286
References 1286
2.27 Common Clustering Algorithms 1291
Symbols 1292
2.27.1 Taxonomy of Clustering Algorithms 1292
2.27.2 Partitioning Clustering 1294
2.27.3 Hierarchical Clustering 1312
2.27.4 Hybrid Clustering 1322
2.27.5 Constrained Clustering 1326
References 1328
2.28 Data Mapping: Linear Methods versus Nonlinear Techniques 1333
2.28.1 Introduction 1333
2.28.2 Linear Methods 1334
2.28.3 Nonlinear Methods 1340
2.28.4 Discussion 1344
References 1345
2.29 Density-Based Clustering Methods 1349
2.29.1 Introduction 1349
2.29.2 Clustering Methods Employing the Concept of Data Density 1349
2.29.3 Similarities among Discussed Density-Based Approaches 1359
2.29.4 Advantages of the Density-Based Techniques over the Classical Ones 1359
2.29.5 Applications 1361
References 1366
2.30 Model-Based Clustering 1369
Symbols 1369
2.30.1 Introduction 1370
2.30.2 Definition of Mixture Models 1371
2.30.3 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 1371
2.30.4 Fitting Mixture Models via the EM Algorithm 1372
2.30.5 Choice of Starting Values for the EM Algorithm 1374
2.30.6 Clustering via Normal Mixtures 1375
2.30.7 Spectral Representation of Component-Covariances Matrices 1376
2.30.8 Multivariate t-Distribution 1377
2.30.9 ML Estimation of Mixtures of t-Distributions 1377
2.30.10 Choice of the Number of Components in a Mixture Model 1379
2.30.11 Advantages of Mixture Model-Based Clustering 1380
2.30.12 Factor Analysis Model for Dimension Reduction 1380
2.30.13 Mixtures of Normal Factor Analyzers 1381
2.30.14 Mixtures of t-Factor Analyzers 1385
2.30.15 Available Software 1387
2.30.16 Example 1387
2.30.17 Some Recent Extensions for High-Dimensional Data 1391
2.30.18 Mixed Feature Data 1391
Acknowledgments 1392
References 1393
2.31 Tree-Based Clustering and Extensions 1397
2.31.1 Introduction 1397
2.31.2 Regression Trees for Clustering 1399
2.31.3 Ensemble Co-occurrence Representation 1403
2.31.4 Clustering Co-occurrence Matrices 1409
2.31.5 Examples 1413
2.31.6 Advantages of Tree-Based Cluster Ensembles 1416
2.31.7 Conclusion 1417
References 1417
Index to Volume 2 1421
e9780444527028v3 1451
Series page 1453
Title page 1454
Copyright page 1455
Contents of Volume 3 1456
Contributors to Volume 3 1458
Preface 1462
Editors in Chief 1463
Contents of All Volumes 1464
Section Editors 1468
3.01 Calibration Methodologies 1472
3.01.1 Introduction 1472
3.01.2 Univariate Regression 1474
3.01.3 Multivariate Calibration 1476
3.01.4 The Eigenvector (Singular Vector) Basis Set 1480
3.01.5 PCR 1481
3.01.6 Generic Multivariate Calibration in the Eigenvector Basis Set 1484
3.01.7 Selecting Meta-Parameters via the Bias/Variance (Harmony) and Parsimony Balance 1484
3.01.8 Tikhonov Regularization and RR 1487
3.01.9 PLS 1493
3.01.10 PCR, RR, and PLS Intermodel Comparisons 1494
3.01.11 Other Multivariate Calibration Methods 1496
Appendix 1: Regression Coefficients 1498
Appendix 2: MATLAB SVD function 1498
Appendix 3: PCR 1498
Appendix 4: RR 1499
Appendix 5: PLS 1499
References 1500
3.02 Regression Diagnostics 1504
Symbols 1505
3.02.1 Introduction 1506
3.02.2 Formulation of MLR 1508
3.02.3 Diagnostics for MLR 1519
3.02.4 Useful Plots in Regression Diagnostics 1539
3.02.5 MATLAB Implementation of Regression Diagnostics 1554
Appendix 1 The OLS Solution Using Mean-Centered Data 1555
Appendix 2 The Confidence Region of OLS Coefficients and Experimental Design 1555
Appendix 3 Singular-Value Decomposition 1556
References 1557
3.03 Validation and Error 1562
Symbols 1562
3.03.1 Introduction 1563
3.03.2 Terminology 1564
3.03.3 Calibrations of Increasing Order 1566
3.03.4 Uncertainty Estimation 1571
3.03.5 Figures of Merit 1575
3.03.6 Validation 1580
Description of Data Sets and MATLAB Scripts 1583
Acknowledgment 1584
References 1584
3.04 Preprocessing Methods 1592
Symbols 1593
3.04.1 Introduction 1594
3.04.2 Methods for Calibration Data Set Selection 1597
3.04.3 Signal Correction Methods 1609
3.04.4 Methods for Dimensionality Reduction 1657
3.04.5 General Conclusion 1698
Acknowledgments 1698
References 1698
3.05 Variable Selection 1704
Symbols 1704
Glossary 1705
3.05.1 Introduction 1706
3.05.2 Criteria for Evaluating Variable Subsets without the Explicit Construction of a Model 1707
3.05.3 Criteria for Evaluating Variable Subsets on the Basis of the Regression Results 1713
3.05.4 Variable Selection Techniques 1719
3.05.5 Case Studies 1745
3.05.6 Limitations of Variable Selection 1751
References 1752
3.06 Missing Data 1756
Symbols 1756
3.06.1 Introduction 1758
3.06.2 Statistical Methods for Handling Missing Data 1760
3.06.3 Multivariate Calibration Model Building with Missing Data 1770
3.06.4 Software 1783
References 1783
3.07 Robust Calibration 1786
Symbols 1786
3.07.1 Introduction 1787
3.07.2 Location and Covariance Estimation 1788
3.07.3 Linear Calibration in Low Dimensions 1790
3.07.4 Principal Component Analysis 1794
3.07.5 Linear Calibration in High Dimensions 1799
3.07.6 Classification 1803
3.07.7 Multiway Analysis 1807
3.07.8 Software and Data Availability 1810
References 1810
3.08 Transfer of Multivariate Calibration Models 1816
Symbols 1816
3.08.1 Introduction 1817
3.08.2 How a Multivariate Calibration Model Can Become Invalid 1818
3.08.3 Strategies that Can Be Used before the Model Is Implemented 1820
3.08.4 Instrument Standardization Methods 1822
3.08.5 Selection of the Standardization Samples 1837
3.08.6 Calibration Transfer without Standardization 1838
3.08.7 Conclusions 1843
3.08.8 Software 1845
Acknowledgment 1845
References 1845
3.09 Three-Way Calibration 1850
3.09.1 Introduction 1851
3.09.2 The Trilinear Model 1854
3.09.3 Historical Algorithms of Trilinear Calibration 1856
3.09.4 Alternating Least Squares Methods 1860
3.09.5 Data Pretreatment and Preliminary Analyses 1864
3.09.6 Data Validation and Postprocessing 1866
3.09.7 Figures of Merit 1868
3.09.8 Example Analyses 1869
Appendix 1 1877
Appendix 2 1880
Appendix 3 1881
References 1881
3.10 Model-Based Data Fitting 1884
Symbols 1884
3.10.1 Introduction 1885
3.10.2 Data 1885
3.10.3 Models and Parameters 1887
3.10.4 Chemical Models 1889
3.10.5 Fitting, Sum of Squares, Parameters 1893
3.10.6 Other Issues 1902
References 1905
3.11 Kernel Methods 1908
Symbol 1908
3.11.1 Introduction 1908
3.11.2 Linear and Nonlinear Support Vector Machine Classifiers 1909
3.11.3 Support Vector Machine Regression 1913
3.11.4 Wider Use of the Kernel Trick 1915
3.11.5 Function Estimation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces 1916
3.11.6 Least Squares Support Vector Machines: Regression and Classification 1916
3.11.7 Further Extensions: Kernel PCA/CCA/PLS 1918
Acknowledgments 1920
References 1920
3.12 Linear Approaches for Nonlinear Modeling 1924
Symbols 1924
3.12.1 Introduction 1924
3.12.2 Locally Weighted Regression 1924
3.12.3 Radial Basis Function Neural Networks 1926
3.12.4 Radial Basis Function Partial Least Squares Regression 1929
3.12.5 Neural Fuzzy Systems 1930
3.12.6 Conclusions 1931
References 1932
3.13 Other Methods in Nonlinear Regression 1934
Symbols 1934
3.13.1 Introduction 1934
3.13.2 Classification and Regression Trees 1936
3.13.3 Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines 1938
3.13.4 Projection Pursuit Regression 1942
3.13.5 Illustrative Example 1943
References 1945
3.14 Neural Networks 1948
Symbols 1948
3.14.1 Introduction 1949
3.14.2 A Brief History 1950
3.14.3 The Artificial Neuron as the Basic Computational Unit 1951
3.14.4 From the Neuron to the Network 1953
3.14.5 Conclusions 1974
References 1974
3.15 Classification: Basic Concepts 1978
3.15.1 Introduction 1978
3.15.2 Linear Discriminant Functions 1979
3.15.3 Higher Levels of Classification 1981
3.15.4 Conclusion 1984
References 1985
3.16 Statistical Discriminant Analysis 1988
Symbols 1988
3.16.1 Introduction 1988
3.16.2 Canonical Discriminant Analysis 1990
3.16.3 Linear Discriminant Analysis 1995
3.16.4 Quadratic Discrimination 1996
3.16.5 Shrinkage and Covariance Stabilization 1997
3.16.6 Classification in High Dimensions 2006
3.16.7 Summary 2008
References 2009
3.17 Decision Tree Modeling in Classification 2012
3.17.1 Introduction 2013
3.17.2 Decision Tree Induction 2015
3.17.3 Examples 2022
3.17.4 Extending Decision Trees 2029
3.17.5 Generalizing Feature Space Partitioning 2031
3.17.6 Alternative Extensions and Uses of Decision Tree Modeling 2035
3.17.7 Software 2037
References 2038
3.18 Feed-Forward Neural Networks 2042
Symbols 2042
3.18.1 Introduction 2042
3.18.2 The Perceptron 2043
3.18.3 Multilayer Perceptrons 2044
3.18.4 Optimization of Weights 2046
3.18.5 Practical Considerations 2049
3.18.6 Applications of Feed-Forward Neural Networks 2052
3.18.7 Conclusion 2055
References 2056
3.19 Validation of Classifiers 2058
Symbols 2058
3.19.1 Introduction 2058
3.19.2 Assessing Predictive Ability Using a Validation Set 2061
3.19.3 Assessing Predictive Ability Using Cross-Validation and Bootstrapping 2061
3.19.4 Confounding 2062
3.19.5 Practical Considerations 2068
References 2069
3.20 Feature Selection: Introduction 2072
Symbols 2072
3.20.1 Introduction 2072
3.20.2 Data-Driven Science 2073
3.20.3 SIMCA 2074
3.20.4 Wavelets 2075
3.20.5 Genetic Algorithms 2075
3.20.6 Conclusions 2076
References 2076
3.21 Multivariate Approaches: UVE-PLS 2080
Symbols 2080
3.21.1 Introduction 2080
3.21.2 Uninformative Variable Elimination by PLS Algorithm 2081
3.21.3 Examples 2083
3.21.4 Other Applications 2087
References 2088
3.22 Multivariate Approaches to Classification using Genetic Algorithms 2090
Symbols 2090
3.22.1 Introduction 2090
3.22.2 Genetic Algorithms 2093
3.22.3 PCKaNN 2095
3.22.4 Ordinal Classes 2099
3.22.5 Robustification of PCKaNN 2099
3.22.6 Incorporation of Transverse Learning in PCKaNN 2100
3.22.7 Applications of the Pattern Recognition GA 2101
3.22.8 Conclusion 2114
References 2115
3.23 Feature Selection in the Wavelet Domain: Adaptive Wavelets 2118
Symbols 2118
3.23.1 Introduction 2120
3.23.2 Wavelets 2121
3.23.3 Statistical Methods Utilizing Adaptive Wavelets 2130
3.23.4 Applications of Adaptive Wavelets 2137
3.23.5 Concluding Remarks 2147
References 2148
3.24 Robust Multivariate Methods in Chemometrics 2152
Symbols 2153
3.24.1 Introduction 2154
3.24.2 Designing Robust Multivariate Estimators 2158
3.24.3 Robust Regression 2161
3.24.4 Robust Alternatives to Principal Component Analysis 2171
3.24.5 Robust Alternatives to Partial Least Squares 2173
3.24.6 Robust Approaches to Discriminant Analysis 2181
3.24.7 Validation 2186
References 2190
Index to Volume 3 2194
e9780444527028v4 2226
Series page 2228
Title page 2229
Copyright page 2230
Contents of Volume 4 2231
Contributors to Volume 4 2233
Preface 2237
Editors in Chief 2238
Contents of All Volumes 2239
Section Editors 2243
4.01 Representative Sampling, Data Quality, Validation – A Necessary Trinity in Chemometrics 2247
Symbols 2247
4.01.1 Introduction: Sampling of Heterogeneous Lots 2248
4.01.2 Heterogeneity 2248
4.01.3 Types of Sampling Errors Versus Practical Sampling 2250
4.01.4 Representative Mass Reduction 2254
4.01.5 Process Sampling (1-D Lots) 2255
4.01.6 Sampling Errors – Summary 2261
4.01.7 Seven Sampling Unit Operations 2262
4.01.8 Data Quality 2262
4.01.9 Validation in Chemometrics 2263
References 2264
4.02 Multivariate Statistical Process Control and Process Control, Using Latent Variables 2267
4.02.1 Introduction 2268
4.02.2 Traditional SPC Charts 2269
4.02.3 Latent Variable Based Process Monitoring 2275
4.02.4 Handling Future Observations with Missing Data 2286
4.02.5 Adaptive Latent Variable Models 2287
4.02.6 Batch Process Monitoring 2288
4.02.7 Monitoring Transitions in Continuous Processes 2292
4.02.8 Multistage Operations – Mutiblock Analysis 2293
4.02.9 Process Control Using Latent Variable Methods 2294
4.02.10 MIA for MSPC and Control 2295
4.02.11 Concluding Remarks 2296
References 2297
4.03 Environmental Chemometrics 2301
Symbols 2301
4.03.1 Introduction 2301
4.03.2 Pattern Recognition 2302
4.03.3 Mixture Resolution Problem 2304
4.03.4 Regression 2308
4.03.5 Multivariate Calibration Methods 2309
4.03.6 Factor Analysis 2310
4.03.7 Probability Estimates 2312
4.03.8 Summary 2316
References 2316
4.04 Application of Chemometrics to Food Chemistry 2321
4.04.1 Introduction 2321
4.04.2 History 2323
4.04.3 Overview 2324
4.04.4 Objectives and Possible Improvements 2348
Data Sets 2362
References 2370
4.05 Chemometrics in QSAR 2375
4.05.1 Introduction 2375
4.05.2 Short History of QSAR and Molecular Descriptors 2377
4.05.3 Chemometrics and QSAR Modeling 2379
4.05.4 Specific QSAR Approaches 2384
4.05.5 Molecular Descriptors 2390
4.05.6 Molecular Descriptor Selection 2397
4.05.7 Principles for QSAR Modeling 2403
4.05.8 Conclusions 2410
References 2410
4.06 Spectroscopic Imaging 2419
Symbols 2419
4.06.1 Introduction 2419
4.06.2 Introduction to NIR Imaging 2420
4.06.3 Chemometrics and NIR Imaging 2421
4.06.4 Example Applications 2428
4.06.5 Conclusion 2436
References 2436
4.07 Spectral Map Analysis of Microarray Data 2443
4.07.1 Introduction 2443
4.07.2 Microarray Technology 2444
4.07.3 Data Analysis of Microarrays 2445
4.07.4 Factor Analytic Thinking 2446
4.07.5 The Distinction between Size and Shape 2449
4.07.6 The Biplot Graphic 2450
4.07.7 Logarithms 2450
4.07.8 Singular Value Decomposition 2451
4.07.9 The Golub Data Set 2452
4.07.10 Principal Component Analysis 2452
4.07.11 Correspondence Analysis 2454
4.07.12 Spectral Map Analysis 2455
4.07.13 Interpretation of Spectral Maps Using Interactive Graphics 2457
4.07.14 The Size–Contrast Diagram 2459
4.07.15 Conclusion 2460
Acknowledgments 2460
References 2460
4.08 Analysis of Megavariate Data in Functional Genomics 2467
Symbols 2468
4.08.1 Introduction 2468
4.08.2 Molecular Basis of Functional Genomics 2469
4.08.3 Important Considerations in Functional Genomics 2473
4.08.4 Data Analysis 2479
4.08.5 Concluding Remarks 2516
Acknowledgment 2517
Appendix 2518
A.1 Matlab Codes for FDR Adjustment of Significance Test in PLSR 2518
A.2 Matlab Codes for Efficient Regression Algorithm for Megavariate Data 2519
A.3 Matlab Codes for Bootstrap of GEMANOVA Model with One Component 2520
References 2521
4.09 Systems Biology 2525
Symbols 2525
4.09.1 Introduction 2526
4.09.2 Study Setup 2531
4.09.3 Data Preprocessing 2536
4.09.4 Data Analysis 2538
4.09.5 Metabolite Identification 2545
4.09.6 Interpretation and Visualization 2548
References 2552
4.10 Chemometrics Role within the PAT Context: Examples from Primary Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 2559
Symbols 2559
4.10.1 Introduction 2559
4.10.2 NIRS and Chemometrics in API Production 2565
4.10.3 Case Studies 2570
4.10.4 Conclusions 2595
References 2598
4.11 Smart Sensors 2603
4.11.1 Introduction 2603
4.11.2 Toward ‘Smart Sensors’ Featuring On-Sensor Chemometrics 2603
4.11.3 Toward Robust Chemometrics for Spectroscopic Analyses 2604
4.11.4 Toward Spectrochemical Imaging 2616
4.11.5 Future Perspectives of Chemometrics for ‘Smart Sensors’ 2617
References 2620
4.12 Chemometric Analysis of Sensory Data 2623
Symbols 2624
4.12.1 Introduction 2624
4.12.2 The Methodology of Sensory Analysis 2627
4.12.3 Experimental Design 2633
4.12.4 Data Formats and Pretreatment 2636
4.12.5 Graphical Displays of Data 2637
4.12.6 Univariate Statistics 2641
4.12.7 Multivariate Analysis 2643
4.12.8 Other Methodology in Sensory Analysis 2659
4.12.9 Case Studies 2661
4.12.10 Discussion 2664
References 2665
4.13 Chemometrics in Electrochemistry 2671
4.13.1 Introduction 2671
4.13.2 Experimental Design and Optimization 2672
4.13.3 Data Preparation and Transformation 2676
4.13.4 Data Exploration and Sample Classification 2678
4.13.5 Determination of Concentrations and Calibration 2679
4.13.6 Knowledge-Based Expert Systems 2697
4.13.7 Conclusions 2699
Acknowledgments 2700
References 2701
4.14 Chemoinformatics 2705
Symbols 2706
4.14.1 Introduction 2706
4.14.2 The Origins and Scope of Chemoinformatics 2706
4.14.3 Teaching Computers Chemistry: Data Input Problems 2709
4.14.4 In Silico Chemistry: Data Processing and Data Output Problems 2717
4.14.5 Internet Resources for Chemistry and Chemoinformatics 2744
4.14.6 Conclusions and Further Trends 2745
4.14.7 Sources of Further Information and Advice 2746
References 2746
4.15 High-Performance GRID Computing in Chemoinformatics 2753
Glossary 2754
4.15.1 Introduction 2754
4.15.2 Grid Components and Concepts 2758
4.15.3 Interfacing with the Grid 2767
4.15.4 Grid Security and Integrity 2770
4.15.5 Migrating Existing Applications for the Grid 2773
4.15.6 Grid Computing in the Laboratory 2777
4.15.7 Case Study: Grid-Based Benchmarking of QSAR Data 2779
References 2782
Cumulative Index 2787