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The Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology encompasses applications of psychological knowledge and procedures in all areas of psychology. This compendium is a major source of information for professional practitioners, researchers in psychology, and for anyone interested in applied psychology. The topics included are, but are not limited to, aging (geropsychology), assessment, clinical, cognitive, community, counseling, educational, environmental, family, industrial/organizational, health, school, sports, and transportation psychology. The entries drawn from the above-referenced areas provide a clear definition of topic, a brief review of theoretical basis relevant to the topic, and emphasize major areas of application.
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"...this encyclopedia is an excellent general guide to applied psychology. Highly recommended."
"...will find it to be an excellent broad-ranging reference tool..."
"The Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology is an excellent resource... that all psychologists and libraries around the world should possess."
-Qicheng Jing, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
"What is applied psychology? In this encyclopedia [the] authors... give an impressive answer, covering a wide array of topics..."
-Ype H. Poortinga, Tilburg University, Netherlands & University of Leuven, Belgium