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Electronic Surveillance Devices

Electronic Surveillance Devices

Paul Brookes



Electronic Surveillance Devices is the book that security professionals, security system installers and hobbyists have been waiting for. Paul Brookes launches straight into the practicalities of electronic surveillance with plenty of clear, detailed information on building the devices that are at the heart of surveillance and counter-surveillance. Self-build electronics projects are supported by principles and a brief survey of each type of device.

The second edition of this popular handbook has been extended with new material on microphones, amplifiers and transmitters.

  • A step-by-step cookbook of electronic surveillance devices and techniques
  • Requires only a basic electronics background
  • Practical applications and guidance for security professionals

'Although interested in electronics for many years, I thought that devices for electronic surveillance were complicated until I read this book. The book has loads of circuits diagrams that are easy to build, with a good write-up on how they work... There is no waffling or unnecessary photos of obsolete or irrelevant material, and is an excellent reference guide for any person interested in electronics. Excellent.' Reader's review from of the first edition
Particularly strong on worked examples.,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,034067699X
A practical and straightforward handbook, complete with circuit diagrams, ideal for security ststem installers. Containing detailed material for building your own surveillance devices- making you wonder why you hadn't tried it before!..- International Security Buyers Guide 04/02