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Book Details
This is the third volume of the very successful set. This updated volume will contain non-linear properties of some of the most useful materials as well as chapters on optical measurement techniques.
- Contributors have decided the best values for n and k
- References in each critique allow the reader to go back to the original data to examine and understand where the values have come from
- Allows the reader to determine if any data in a spectral region needs to be filled in
- Gives a wide and detailed view of experimental techniques for measuring the optical constants n and k
- Incorporates and describes crystal structure, space-group symmetry, unit-cell dimensions, number of optic and acoustic modes, frequencies of optic modes, the irreducible representation, band gap, plasma frequency, and static dielectric constant
"This set of five volumes...is a unique resource for any science and technology library. It provides materials researchers and optical device designers with reference facts in a context not available anywhere else....The community of materials researchers, spectroscopists, and optical device designers has reason to welcome the five-volume reference tool....These five books will be an invaluable addition to any researcher's library."
--IVAN P. KAMINOW, 1996 IEEE Congressional Fellow on the Staff of the
House Science Committee, Member of the National Academy of Engineering,
and Recipient of the Bell Labs Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff Award,
IEEE Quantum Electronics Award, and the OSA Charles Townes Award