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Fluid-Structure Interactions, Volume 2

Fluid-Structure Interactions, Volume 2

Michael P. Paidoussis


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The text is richly illustrated, lightly written and more wide-ranging than Volume 1. A comprehensive treatment of fluid-structure interactions involving axial flow and slender structures, such as piping, human veins, aircraft, nuclear reactor fuel and submarine skins. The emphasis is on fundamentals, particularly on the physical understanding and underlying mechanisms, as well as on applications.
This book will be invaluable for researchers, professional engineers, applied scientists and students involved in the design, study or operation or systems involving fluid flow, internal or external structures, wind or ocean currents

  • Emphasizes real-world analysis of problems encountered in the field and presents their solutions
  • A practical and thorough literature review of over 1400 references, an excellent reference document
  • Bridges the gap between academic researchers and practitioners in industry

"With more than 1400 references, the subject matter has been covered comprehensively. More importantly, it has been critically reviewed and integrated in a way which will make this book an indispensable tool for any researcher in this field for decades to come. The book should be no less valuable to engineering practitioners faced with related problems and anyone working in the broad areas of flow-induced vibrations and the stability of non-conservative elastic systems."
JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, 2006, D.S. Weaver, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada