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Fluid-Structure Interactions

Fluid-Structure Interactions

Michael P. Paidoussis


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This volume emphasizes the fundamentals and mechanisms giving rise to flow-induced vibration of use to researchers, designers, and operators. Fluid–Structure Interactions provides useful problem-solving tools, and conveys the ideas in a physically comprehensible manner. The book includes a complete bibliography of important work in the field.
. The Non-linear behaviour of Fluid-Structure
. The possible existence of chaotic oscillations
. The use of this area as a model to demonstrate
new mathematical techniques
This book will prove invaluable to researchers, practitioners, and students in fluid-structure interactions, flow-induced vibrations, and dynamics and vibrations.
"[a] very fine book... Not only is the scientific-technical content of high callibre, also the style of reporting is commendable, sometimes being outright funny and/or bordering on the artistic!"
- Professor Moe, Visiting Professor, Texas A&M, USA.