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Engineering Design Principles

Engineering Design Principles

Ken Hurst


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Book Details


Good design is the key to the manufacture of successful commercial products. It encompasses creativity, technical ability, communication at all levels, good management and the abiltity to mould these attributes together. There are no single answers to producing a well designed product. There are however tried and tested principles which, if followed, increase the likely success of any final product.

Engineering Design Principles introduces these principles to engineering students and professional engineers. Drawing on historical and familiar examples from the present, the book provides a stimulating guide to the principles of good engineering design. The comprehensive coverage of this text makes it invaluable to all undergraduates requiring a firm foundation in the subject.

  • Introduction to principles of good engineering design like: problem identification, creativity, concept selection, modelling, design management and information gathering
  • Rich selection of historical and familiar present examples

this is quality rather than is quite concentrated...and this is one of its strengths...the whole book is written in a pleasing, easily accessible style and I recommend it,Bill Hollins, Engineering Designer, July/August 1999,