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Composites - A Profile of the World-wide Reinforced Plastics Industry, Markets and Suppliers to 2005

Composites - A Profile of the World-wide Reinforced Plastics Industry, Markets and Suppliers to 2005

T. Starr


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Book Details


Following the success of the second (1995) edition, this report takes a fresh perspective on the industry, reviewing changes and developments in industry structure, corporate strategies, market condition, technology and application trends.

This profile is fully revised with market data with new forecasts to the year 2005. New and emerging technologies and applications are examined.

For a PDF version of the report please call Tina Enright on +44 (0) 1865 843008 for price details.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Composites: A Profile of the Worldwide Reinforced Plastics Industry, Markets and Suppliers i
Copyright Page ii
Contents iii
Executive summary v
lntroduction ix
Chapter 1. Assessment 1
1.1 The world composites industry 1
1.2 Status of the composites industry 47
1.3 Raw materials 72
1.4 The fabrication processes used by the composites industry 83
1.5 The markets and applications of the composites industry 88
1.6 Major industry participants 99
Chapter 2. Directory 131
2.1 Listing by classification 131
2.2 Contact Listings 166
2.3 Internet address book 232
Chapter 3. Reference 247
3.1 Composite industry – historical highlights 247
3.2 Composites codes and standards 249
3.3 Terminology 267
3.4 References 276
3.5 Acknowledgements 276
3.6 Table acknowledgements 277
3.7 List of tables 277