Pattern Recognition
Sergios Theodoridis | Sergios Theodoridis | Konstantinos Koutroumbas | Konstantinos Koutroumbas
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Pattern recognition is a scientific discipline that is becoming increasingly important in the age of automation and information handling and retrieval. Patter Recognition, 2e covers the entire spectrum of pattern recognition applications, from image analysis to speech recognition and communications. This book presents cutting-edge material on neural networks, - a set of linked microprocessors that can form associations and uses pattern recognition to "learn" -and enhances student motivation by approaching pattern recognition from the designer's point of view. A direct result of more than 10 years of teaching experience, the text was developed by the authors through use in their own classrooms.
*Approaches pattern recognition from the designer's point of view
*New edition highlights latest developments in this growing field, including independent components and support vector machines, not available elsewhere
*Supplemented by computer examples selected from applications of interest