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Java Web Services Architecture

Java Web Services Architecture

James McGovern | Sameer Tyagi | Michael Stevens | Sunil Mathew


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Written by industry thought leaders, Java Web Services Architecture is a no-nonsense guide to web services technologies including SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and the JAX APIs. This book is useful for systems architects and provides many of the practical considerations for implementing web services including authorization, encryption, transactions and the future of Web Services.

  • Covers all the standards, the JAX APIs, transactions, security, and more.

"A wonderfully clear and concise guide to using XML to interconnect your network services" -- James Gosling, Creator of Java
"Java Web Services Architecture provides a priceless guide to planning and managing the creation of Web services for your organization." -- Hugh Grant, CTO, Cape Clear Software Inc.
"Java Web Services Architecture really is one of the nicest technical books I have seen in a long time, combining a basic introduction to the subject with a systematic coverage of a very technical set of specifications. I can't imagine anyone is going to write anything better than this for a software developer or architect that wants to design Java Web services applications." -- Paul Harmon, Senior Consultant, Distributed Architecture Service, Cutter Consortium
"Sound Advice from seasoned architects. This is the Web services book to have!" -- John Crupi, Distinguished Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Coauthor, Core J2EE Patterns
"...McGovern and his team of editors know their stuff and their communication of this knowledge is clear and well presented." JDJ Book Reviews, June 24th, 2003
"Books such as this are bound to become classics and should be on every technologists' bookshelf." Dave Bartels, Reporter,, June 27th, 2003