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Book Details
Power amplifiers and their performance lie at the heart of audio engineering and provide some challenging problems for the engineer. Ben Duncan's experience, as an audio consultant, analog electronics designer and author, give him an unique insight into this difficult but rewarding field.
Linking analog electronics, acoustics, heat and music technology; high-end hi-fi and professional PA and recording studio use; theory, modelling and real-world practice; design and repair; the old and the new, the mainstream and the specialised, this comprehensive guide to power amps is a core reference for anyone in the industry, and any interested onlookers.
Ben Duncan is well known to many users of audio power amplifiers around the world, both professional and domestic, through his articles, reviews and research papers on music technology in the UK and US press, and through his part in creating several notable professional power amplifiers. Since 1977, he has been involved in the design of over 70 innovative, high-end audio products used by recording and broadcast studios, on stages, in clubs and by the most critical domestic listeners - as well as creating bespoke equipment for top musicians. Born in London, he has travelled widely but has lived mainly in Lincolnshire, home of his family for over 150 years. He is twice co-author of the book Rock Hardware in which he has chronicled the history of rock'n'roll PA.
Reprinted with corrections September 1997
- Comprehensive and colourful real-life guide
- Based on wide experience of audio and music technology
- Well-known and prolific author in the hi-fi and pro-audio press
'This handbook is the distillation of the state-of-the-art.'
Sound & Communication Systems International
'Ben's experience in the professional field holds important messages for the modern designer - the measured performance vs sound quality issue and how it is possible to achieve good results in both areas. Any student who has sat in an electronics lecture which followed the usual, 'Audio power amplifiers are like this...blah...Class A, blah...Class B, waffle' would be advised to get a copy of this book immediately if they value their sanity.'
Hi-Fi World
'The book combines audio fundamentals, electronic principles, engineering and operational practicality in a readable and informative manner which will appeal to the interested end-user, budding designer or maintenance engineer. All in all a very useful contribution in an area which has been poorly addressed until now.'
Line Up
' Offers gems of practical advice which only experience in the field can
Acoustics Bulletin
' The credentials of the author are beyond doubt and the information potential
to the reader wishing to improve his knowledge of the subjects discussed in
this book are immense.'
Common Ground