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Guide to Neural Computing Applications

Guide to Neural Computing Applications

Lionel Tarassenko


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Neural networks have shown enormous potential for commercial exploitation over the last few years but it is easy to overestimate their capabilities. A few simple algorithms will learn relationships between cause and effect or organise large volumes of data into orderly and informative patterns but they cannot solve every problem and consequently their application must be chosen carefully and appropriately.

This book outlines how best to make use of neural networks. It enables newcomers to the technology to construct robust and meaningful non-linear models and classifiers and benefits the more experienced practitioner who, through over familiarity, might otherwise be inclined to jump to unwarranted conclusions. The book is an invaluable resource not only for those in industry who are interested in neural computing solutions, but also for final year undergraduates or graduate students who are working on neural computing projects. It provides advice which will help make the best use of the growing number of commercial and public domain neural network software products, freeing the specialist from dependence upon external consultants.

An excellent tutorial and practical users guide - far more accessible than the competition.,Professor Alan F. Murray, University of Edinburgh, UK. ... deserves a place on the neural network practitioners bookshelf ...,Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers,