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Friedrich Unterharnscheidt | Julia Taylor Unterharnscheidt


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This book neither argues for or against the continuation of boxing, but lays out the literature and the body of scientific knowledge that are necessary to provide a meaningful background for the ensuing debate. It provides a comprehensive resource for those who are involved in regulating boxing and those who participate directly, as well as for the medical and scientific communities. Includes carefully quoted case histories and research as well as an extensive body of medical literature on boxing injuries to demonstrate that brain damage is a natural consequence of boxing.
* Presents in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of "punch drunkness"
* Includes detailed case histories of the clinical and pathomorphological findings uncovered by current medical research
* Extensively reviews medical literature
"...the boxing photographs in the book are magnificent and provide a medical history of the sport that has never been done before."
-Margaret Goodman, MD for THE RING, October 2005