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Fundamentals of Body MRI E-Book

Fundamentals of Body MRI E-Book

Christopher G. Roth


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Book Details


Fundamentals of Body MRI—a new title in the Fundamentals of Radiology series—explains and defines key concepts in body MRI so you can confidently make radiologic diagnoses. Dr. Christopher G. Roth presents comprehensive guidance on body imaging—from the liver to the female pelvis—and discusses how physics, techniques, hardware, and artifacts affect results. This detailed and heavily illustrated reference will help you effectively master the complexities of interpreting findings from this imaging modality.

  • Master MRI techniques for the entirety of body imaging, including liver, breast, male and female pelvis, and cardiovascular MRI.
  • Avoid artifacts thanks to extensive discussions of considerations such as physics and parameter tradeoffs.
  • Grasp visual nuances through numerous images and correlating anatomic illustrations.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc1
Fundamentals of Body MRI i
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Contributor vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
Table of Contents xiii
ONE Introduction to Body MRI 1
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: What is the Objective? 1
Magnetism: How is the Human Body Magnetized? 1
The Components 1
The Magnet 1
Rf System 3
The Gradient System 4
The Receiver System 6
K Space and the Fourier Transform 7
Operator’s Console 8
Pulse Sequences 9
Tissue Contrast 11
The Pulse Sequence Scheme 15
Optimizing Body MRI 21
Motion 21
Susceptibility Artifact 27
MRI Safety 28
Summary 33
References 34
TWO MRI of the Liver 35
Introduction 35
Technique 35
Interpretation 45
Normal Features 50
Focal Lesions 51
Cystic Lesions 53
Developmental Lesions 54
Simple Hepatic Cyst 54
Bile Duct Hamartoma 54
Caroli’s Disease 54
Cavernous Hemangioma 56
Neoplastic Lesions 61
Biliary Cystadenoma (-adenocarcinoma) 61
Infectious Lesions 61
Echinococcal Cyst 61
Pyogenic Abscess 64
Amebic Abscess 64
Fungal Abscess 66
Traumatic Lesions 66
Hematoma 66
Biloma 66
Solid (and Pseudosolid) Lesions 67
Hypervascular Lesions 68
Hepatic Adenoma 68
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia 70
Focal Transient Hepatic Intensity Difference 72
Cirrhotic Nodules (Prehypervascular) 72
Hepatocellular Carcinoma 77
Fibrolamellar Carcinoma 83
Metastases 84
Hypovascular Lesions 87
Metastases 88
Lymphoma 89
Ablated Tumors 90
Peripheral Cholangiocarcinoma 91
Lipid-Based Lesions 97
Hepatic Angiomyolipoma 97
Hepatic Lipoma 98
Focal Steatosis (Fatty Infiltration) 99
Focal Fatty Sparing 99
Geographic or Segmental Lesions 99
Primarily Enhancement Lesions 100
Geographic THID 101
Other Geographic Vascular Lesions 101
Signal ± Enhancement Lesions 102
Geographic Steatosis/Iron Deposition 102
Confluent Fibrosis 103
Intrahepatic Cholestasis 103
Diffuse Abnormalities 104
Occult (General Lack of Signal and Morphologic Changes) Processes 104
Primarily Signal Processes 105
Fatty Liver Disease 105
Iron Depositional Disease 106
Primarily Morphology Diseases 107
Cirrhosis 110
Autoimmune Hepatitis 115
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis 115
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis 115
Budd-Chiari Syndrome 117
Liver Transplantation 120
References 125
THREE MRI of the Pancreaticobiliary System 129
Pancreas 129
Anatomy and Function 129
Normal Appearance 129
Imaging Techniques 129
Congenital/Developmental Anomalies of the Pancreas 130
Annular Pancreas 130
Pancreas Divisum 132
Agenesis 132
Diffuse Pancreatic Disorders 133
Lipomatosis 133
Pancreatitis 134
Acute Pancreatitis. 134
Chronic Pancreatitis. 135
Autoimmune Pancreatitis. 135
Groove Pancreatitis. 144
Hereditary Pancreatitis. 144
Genetic Disorders 145
Cystic Fibrosis 145
Primary (Idiopathic) Hemochromatosis 145
Von Hippel–Lindau Disease 145
Schwachman-Diamond Syndrome 145
Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome 145
Focal Pancreatic Lesions 148
Solid Pancreatic Lesions 148
Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. 150
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine (Islet Cell) Tumors. 151
Insulinomas. 156
Gastrinomas. 156
Glucagonomas, VIPomas, and Somatostatinomas. 156
Nonfunctioning Islet Cell Tumors. 158
Pancreatic Metastases. 158
Other Solid Pancreatic Lesions 160
Acinar Cell Carcinoma. 160
Lymphoma. 160
Cystic Pancreatic Lesions 161
Cysts 161
True Cysts. 161
Pseudocysts. 161
Von Hippel–Lindau Disease. 161
Neoplasms 162
Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms. 162
Serous Cystadenoma. 166
Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm. 166
Cystic Neuroendocrine (Islet Cell) Tumor. 166
Solid-Cystic Papillary Epithelial Neoplasm. 170
Gallbladder 170
Anatomy 170
Normal Appearance 171
Imaging Technique 172
Congenital/Developmental Abnormalities of the Gallbladder 172
Accessory Gallbladders, Ectopia, and Agenesis 172
Cholelithiasis 173
Diffuse Processes of the Gallbladder 173
Cholecystitis 173
Acute. 173
Chronic. 176
Gangrenous. 176
Nonspecific Edema 176
Adenomyomatosis 176
Focal Processes of the Gallbladder 176
Polyp 176
Carcinoma 177
Metastases 178
Biliary Tree 178
Anatomy and Normal Appearance 178
Imaging Techniques 181
Choledochal Cyst 182
Choledocholithiasis 185
Mirizzi’s Syndrome 185
Biliary Obstruction 186
Benign Etiologies 186
Postoperative Biliary Strictures 186
Inflammatory Etiologies 187
Cholangitis 187
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis 187
Infectious Cholangitis 187
Malignant Etiologies 188
Cholangiocarcinoma 188
Ampullary Carcinoma 193
References 196
FOUR MRI of the Kidneys and Adrenal Glands 199
Introduction 199
Technique 199
Interpretation 200
Kidneys 203
Normal Features 203
Anomalies and Pseudolesions 204
Focal Lesions 207
Cystic Lesions 209
Simple Renal Cyst 209
Polycystic Diseases 214
Hydronephrosis 218
Complex Cystic Lesions 218
Pyogenic Renal Abscess 218
Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma 221
Multilocular Cystic Nephroma 222
Renal Hematoma 222
Solid Lesions 223
Renal Cell Carcinoma 223
Oncocytoma 231
Angiomyolipoma 231
Urothelial Neoplasms 232
Renal Lymphoma 236
Renal Metastases 237
Segmental/Diffuse Lesions 237
Pyelonephritis 237
Renal Infarct 239
Chronic Renal Artery Stenosis 240
Renal Vein Thrombosis 240
Adrenal Glands 242
Normal Features 242
Cystic (Nonsolid) Lesions 244
Adrenal Cysts 244
Adrenal Hemorrhage 246
Solid Lesions 246
Adrenal Adenoma 246
Adrenal Hyperplasia 248
Myelolipoma 249
Pheochromocytoma 249
Metastases 249
Other Adrenal Malignancies 249
Retroperitoneum 249
IVC Anomalies 252
Retroperitoneal Fibrosis 253
Inflammatory Aortic Aneurysm 256
Retroperitoneal Lymphoma 257
Retroperitoneal Metastases 257
References 259
FIVE Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Female Pelvis 261
Introduction 261
Technique 261
Interpretation 265
Uterus 268
Normal Features 268
Endometrial Pathology 270
Diffuse Abnormalities 270
Endometritis 270
Hormonal Factors 270
Tamoxifen 271
Focal Abnormalities 271
Intrauterine Adhesions 271
Intrauterine Device 271
Cesarean Section Defect 272
Endometrial Polyp 272
Endometrial Carcinoma 273
Pregnancy 282
Myometrial Disease 282
Focal and Diffuse Lesions 282
Fibroids 282
Adenomyosis 294
Myometrial Contractions 296
Malignant Lesions 297
Global Uterine Abnormalities 298
Cervix and Vagina 304
Normal Features 304
Cystic Lesions 304
Nabothian Cyst 304
Other Benign Cystic Lesions 304
Adenoma Malignum 310
Solid Lesions 310
Cervical Carcinoma 310
Ovaries and Adnexa 317
Normal Anatomy 317
Cystic Lesions 321
Water Content 322
Functional Ovarian Cysts 322
Ovarian Inclusion Cyst 324
Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst 324
Parovarian Cysts 324
Lipid Content 324
Dermoid Cyst (Mature Cystic Teratoma) 328
Blood Content 329
Endometrioma. 329
Functional Hemorrhagic Cyst 338
Hematosalpinx 338
Acute Lesions 338
Tubovarian Abscess 338
Ovarian Torsion 342
Ectopic Pregnancy 346
Complex Cystic and Solid Lesions 346
Primary 346
Epithelial Neoplasms 346
Other Primary Ovarian Neoplasms 351
Secondary 359
Miscellaneous 359
Pelvic Lymphoma 359
Aggressive Angiomyxoma 360
Globally Abnormal Ovaries 360
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 360
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome 360
Vascular Lesions 360
Pelvic Arteriovenous Malformation 364
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome 365
Ovarian Vein Thrombosis 367
References 367
Index 369
A 369
B 369
C 369
D 370
E 370
F 371
G 371
H 371
I 371
J 372
K 372
L 372
M 373
N 373
O 374
P 374
Q 375
R 375
S 375
T 375
U 376
V 376
W 376
X 376
Y 376
Z 376