Supervision as Transformation
Judy Ryde | Robin Shohet | Fiona Adamson | Joan Wilmot | Ann Rowe | Nicola Coombe | Michael Carroll | Ben Fuchs | Richard Olivier | Mary Creaner | Christina Breene
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Supervision provides a positive space for compassion, inquiry, reflection, and above all development. The chapters in this book are written from a wide range of perspectives, all of which take a practical approach to supervision and show how transformative it can be when approached in the right way.
Contributions range from explorations of supervision as a journey of life-long learning and its place at the heart of practice to chapters on faith, transformation, dealing with feelings, and working with asylum seekers and refugees. The multidisciplinary approach covers much ground not previously touched upon, and every contribution demonstrates just how powerful and transformational passionate supervision has the potential to be.
This book will be an invaluable resource for anyone working in the helping professions, for whom supervision is an integral part of their work.
Although none of the essays are of direct relevance to ministers, the underlying challenge for ministers is how much richer ministry could become if supervision were to become the norm for us.
Ministry Today UK
I suggest that this book would be useful to supervisors in particular, and would recommend individual chapters to the professional within any field, including healthcare, who wishes to see organisational change with and openness to exploring how supervision may facilitate this.
If you want to know about these more spiritual approaches, and how they apply to supervision, this is the book for you. It is very charmingly written, and quite inspiring (...) It would challenge anyone who had a more stereotyped view of supervision
ACPNL Magazine
this is a text for those who want a wider view on supervision, delivered in non-academic readable chunks, albeit with adequate references after each chapter, I can't imagine anyone finding nothing of value. Most is pure transformative gold.
Counselling, Children and Young People
Robin Sholet has a knack for inviting authors with original contributions to make. These 10 authors offer an interesting, collegial take on the fashionable topic of transformational learning (TL), which is enabled through relationships, and reviews basic assumptions... Overall, the book addresses a fashionable topic in supervision, in original, practice-based, engagingly readable and varied ways. It would be of interest to experience practitioners, most probably those also curious about the relationship of personal to professional development, and the impact of the organisational context for work.
Therapy Today
I recognise the truth of these essays in the depth of the clinical supervision which I have received in recent years. For anyone who is considering entering such a relationship to support his or her ministry, this book offers a variety of voices articulating a vision of supervision which is both human and divine. An MD of a large financial firm recently summed up his own experience of professional supervision: "This work is really all about Love."
Church Times