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Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Problems

Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Problems

Melanie Cross


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Children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) are far more likely to have communication problems than their peers, yet these problems are under-recognised, under-researched, and most importantly, often unaddressed. Melanie Cross considers the reasons why behavioural and communication difficulties so often occur together, and examines the social, educational and mental health implications of this.

She shows that improving the communication skills of children and young people with SEBD can contribute to better outcomes, and that speech and language therapy is an important, yet often absent, service for this group. She provides practical guidelines for assessing communication, as well as useful strategies to help children and young people with SEBD to develop their communication skills. This second edition also contains information on unidentified and unmet communication needs in vulnerable young people, including young offenders and those at risk of social exclusion.

This book will be an invaluable resource for speech and language therapists, social workers, teachers and other professionals working with children with emotional, behavioural and communication difficulties.

Melanie Cross is a consultant speech and language therapist. For the past fifteen years she has worked with young people in public care at The Integrated Services Programme (ISP). She is a clinical tutor on the speech and language therapy course at City University, London, and a Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) Advisor in Mental Health (Paediatric). She has also worked as a professional advisor for the children's communication charity I CAN.
The second updated edition... provides updated research and information perfect for health and education holdings, and considers why communications and behavior difficulties so often occur together. It analyzes mental health and social conditions alike, demonstrating that improving communication skills can lead to better outcomes, and that speech and language therapy that can help is often missing for this group.... A "must" for any collection looking at physical and mental health connections in kids.
The Midwest Book Review

One of the outstanding features of this book is its ability to present a robust level of specialist detail underpinned by abundant, current research in a very straightforward, non-technical way... it offers very practical advice for assessment and intervention, identifying exactly which language skills are priority for EBD.

There is something for everyone here, from a beginner to an experienced practitioner, an academic, a parent or a front-line worker.

Afasic News
The ideas suggested are practical and involve reflecting on accepted practice rather than programme based... a useful resource for educational professionals working with pupils with emotional, behavioural and communication difficulties.
(...) would be a great introduction for students working with children who have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. It is well written and has up to date research throughout.
Play for Life

The chapter about the implications around lack of diagnosis is a fascinating but terrifying read... This chapter should be required reading on the NPQH scheme... This may lead to greater understanding and a more inclusive approach around mainstream behaviour difficulties in some schools.

This book is clear, easy to read and extremely interesting...If every mainstream teacher had this appendix in their working file, it would act as an aide memoire ensuring effective differentiation for a range of students.

Cate Wood , former Senco and director of ECM at a secondary school
this is an excellent book which draws together the fields of language/communication and socio-emotional development, recognising that no single professional group has all the answers to the problems faced by children with SEBD. As such, it appeals to the disciplines of mental health, speech and language therapy and education, emphasising the need for professional co-working. The book is well worth reading cover to cover, although it would also be useful to dip into specific chapters.
NAPLIC Matters