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Case Studies for Complementary Therapists

Case Studies for Complementary Therapists

Kelly Galvin | Madelaine Bishop


Additional Information


An invaluable resource for complementary therapists, health practitioners, students and teachers

Case Studies for Complementary Therapists: a collaborative approach provides curriculum-level support for those working to develop the complementary potential between alternative medicines and conventional western medicine.

This useful complementary medicine textbook provides insight into the initial complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) consultation process.

It offers possible treatment and collaborative referral options for individual cases, rather than dictating diagnostic analysis or treatment protocols for specific health conditions.

Through case studies on conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, the book provides an important framework for clinicians and students, within which they can analyse and classify information gathered during consultation. 

The book will also help readers develop effective and appropriate treatment programs within the time constraints of a busy clinic.

Case Studies for Complementary Therapists provides suggestions for questions to ask at consultation time; helping readers collect the necessary information to develop a working diagnosis and treatment protocol.

Complementary medicine ethics and law

Complementary practitioners are often uncertain about the legal and ethical boundaries in diagnosis and case management.

Case Studies for Complementary Therapists: a collaborative approach will help complementary and alternative medicine practitioners and students: • recognise medical situations requiring referral • understand their role in collaborative case management • integrate complementary and alternative medicine modalities in treatment programs with confidence

  • Provides a clear case analysis format which can be and adapted to suit the requirements of individual case histories
  • Specific questioning format
  • Clearly identifies situations where cross or collaborative referral is necessary
  • Decision tables help readers prioritise treatment, refer appropriately and help guide clinical thinking when readers are faced with several treatment options.
  • Class tested, curriculum based

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Case studies for complementary therapists: a collaborative approach iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Foreword ix
Foreword xi
About the authors xiii
Dedications xiv
Acknowledgements xv
Reviewers xvi
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
How to use this book 2
The cases 5
References 8
Chapter 2- principles and practice of CAM 9
Principles of CAM 9
Using the three C’s formula 14
Reflective practice and self-care 21
References 22
Example of complete case analysis format: chronic candidiasis 24
References 33
Chapter 3 - Gastrointestinal system 43
Peptic ulcer 43
References 57
Irritable bowel syndrome 61
References 66
Gallstones (cholecystitis) 76
References 87
Coeliac disease 89
References 93
Crohn’s disease 99
References 105
Lactose intolerance 115
References 121
Chapter 4 - Endocrine system 129
Hypothyroidism 129
References 133
Diabetes mellitus: type 2 148
References 163
Chapter 5 - Reproductive system 171
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 171
References 189
Endometriosis 194
References 203
Menopause 208
References 219
Fertility 225
References 232
Benign prostatic enlargement 243
References 247
Chapter 6 - Respiratory/ENT system 263
Asthma 263
References 271
Otitis media 277
References 285
Chronic bronchitis 289
References 297
Allergic rhinitis 307
References 317
Tinnitus 321
References 327
Chapter 7 - Cardiovascular/haematological systems 339
Hypertension 339
References 345
Hypercholesterolaemia 353
References 361
Iron deficiency anaemia 369
References 377
Chapter 8 - Musculoskeletal system 391
Rheumatoid arthritis 391
References 401
Fibromyalgia 407
References 413
Systemic lupus erythematosus 422
References 429
Chapter 9 - Urinary system 443
Chronic recurrent cystitis 443
References 448
Kidney stones (renal calculi) 454
References 462
Chapter 10 - Neurological system 475
Depression 475
References 484
Migraine 492
References 500
Insomnia 509
References 517
Anxiety 527
References 535
Bulimia nervosa 540
References 553
Chapter 11 - Integumentary system 565
Eczema 565
References 577
Psoriasis 581
References 589
Acne 596
References 605
Appendix A - Generic clinical questions 625
Appendix B - Case-taking forms – initial\rconsultation 665
Appendix C - Referral letter templates 679
Appendix D - Helpful contacts 681
Appendix E - Non-orthodox investigative\rtools commonly used by\rCAM practitioners 687
Appendix F - Diet diary template 693
Index 697
Color Plates CP1