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Year Book of Sports Medicine 2011 - E-Book

Year Book of Sports Medicine 2011 - E-Book

Roy J Shephard


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Book Details


Year Book of Sports Medicine 2011 - E-Book

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
The Year Book of Sports Medicine v
Copyright Page vi
Table of Contents ix
Associate Editors vii
Journals Represented xi
Clinical Implications of Exercise Immunology for the Practicing Physician xv
Chapter 1. Epidemiology, Prevention of Injuries, Lesions of Head and Neck 1
Chapter 2. Other Musculoskeletal Injuries 45
Chapter 3. Biomechanics, Muscle Strength and Training 71
Chapter 4. Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Physiology and Immune Function 93
Chapter 5. Metabolism and Obesity, Nutrition and Doping 151
Chapter 6. Cardiorespiratory Disorders 201
Chapter 7. Other Medical Problems 267
Chapter 8. Environmental Factors 303
Chapter 9. Special Considerations: Children, Women, the Elderly, and Special Populations 339
Article Index 419
Author Index 431