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Memory Loss E-Book

Memory Loss E-Book

Andrew E. Budson | Paul R. Solomon


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Book Details


Memory Loss combines expert guidance, case studies, and diagnostic tests to help you effectively diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and other common dementias. Drs. Andrew E. Budson and Paul R. Solomon cover the essentials of physical and cognitive examinations, laboratory and imaging studies, and the latest treatment approaches. The practical text and diagnostic tests are the tools you need to consistently make accurate diagnoses.

  • Confidently diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s disease and other common dementias through in-depth coverage of clinically useful diagnostic tests and the latest treatment approaches.
  • Tap into the expertise of key leaders in the field for clear and practical guidance.
  • See how to evaluate and manage both common and uncommon conditions with a full range of detailed case studies.
  • Confirm your diagnoses easily with diagnostic tests.
  • Carry the book with you and consult it conveniently thanks to its compact, portable format.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover\r Cover
Memory Loss: A Practical Guide for Clinicians v
Copyright vi
Contents vii
Foreword ix
Preface xi
How to use this book xi
Reference xii
Acknowledgments xiii
Disclosures xiii
About the Authors xv
Section I: Evaluating the Patient with Memory Loss 1
Chapter 1: Why diagnose and treat? 1
Helping the patient 1
Helping the family or other caregiver 2
Saving money 2
Planning for the future 2
Quality versus quantity 3
References 3
Chapter 2: Evaluating the patient with memory loss 4
Talking with the family 5
In the clinic 5
At the bedside 7
History 7
Review of systems 13
Medical history 14
Allergies to medications 14
Social history 15
Family history 16
Physical examination 16
Cognitive tests and questionnaires 19
Screening in the clinic 25
Laboratory studies 31
Structural imaging studies 32
Functional imaging studies 36
Summary 40
References 40
Section II: Differential Diagnosis of Memory Loss 43
Chapter 3: Alzheimer´s disease 43
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 44
Diagnostic criteria 50
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 52
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 59
Things to look for in the history 62
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 62
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 63
Laboratory studies 65
Structural imaging studies 65
Functional imaging studies 66
Differential diagnosis 67
Treatments 67
References 69
Chapter 4: Mild cognitive impairment 71
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 72
Diagnostic Criteria 73
Common mild cognitive impairment scenarios 74
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 75
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 76
Things to look for in the history 76
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 76
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 76
Laboratory studies 77
Structural imaging studies 77
Functional imaging studies 77
Differential diagnosis 77
Treatments 78
References 78
Chapter 5: Dementia with Lewy bodies (including Parkinson's disease dementia) 79
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 80
Criteria and diagnosis 81
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 84
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 85
Things to look for in the history 85
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 86
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 86
Laboratory studies 86
Structural imaging studies 86
Functional imaging studies 87
Differential diagnosis 87
Treatments 88
References 90
Chapter 6: Vascular dementia and vascular cognitive impairment 91
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 92
Criteria 94
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 95
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 98
Things to look for in the history 99
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 99
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 99
Laboratory studies 100
Structural imaging studies 100
Functional imaging studies 101
Differential diagnosis 102
Treatments 102
References 103
Chapter 7: Frontotemporal dementia 104
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 105
Criteria 106
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 106
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 109
Things to look for in the history 110
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 112
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 113
Laboratory studies 113
Structural imaging studies 114
Functional imaging studies 114
Differential diagnosis 115
Treatments 116
References 117
Chapter 8: Progressive supranuclear palsy 118
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 119
Criteria and diagnosis 119
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 120
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 121
Things to look for in the history 122
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 122
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 123
Laboratory studies 124
Structural imaging studies 124
Functional imaging studies 124
Differential diagnosis 126
Treatments 127
References 127
Chapter 9: Corticobasal degeneration 128
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 129
Criteria 129
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 131
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 131
Things to look for in the history 132
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 133
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 133
Laboratory studies 133
Structural imaging studies 134
Functional imaging studies 134
Differential diagnosis 134
Treatments 134
References 135
Chapter 10: Normal pressure hydrocephalus 136
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 137
Criteria 137
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 137
Common signs, symptoms, and stages 137
Things to look for in the history 139
Things to look for on the physical and neurological examination 139
Pattern of impairment on cognitive tests 140
Laboratory studies 140
Structural imaging studies 140
Lumbar puncture 141
Other studies 141
Differential diagnosis 141
Treatments 142
References 142
Chapter 11: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 143
Prevalence, prognosis, and definition 144
Risk factors, pathology, and pathophysiology 145
Clinical presentation 145
Laboratory studies and electroencephalography 146
Structural imaging studies 146
Differential diagnosis 146
Treatments 146
References 147
Chapter 12: Other disorders 148
Depression and anxiety 150
Medication side-effects 151
Disrupted sleep 152
Hormones? 153
Metabolic disorders 153
Diabetes 154
Alcohol abuse and alcoholic Korsakoff's syndrome 155
Lyme disease 156
Hippocampal sclerosis 157
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Dementia pugilistica 158
Subdural and epidural hematomas 158
Vitamin B12 deficiency 159
Seizures 160
Hashimoto's encephalopathy 161
References 161
Section III: Treatment Of Memory Loss 163
Chapter 13: Goals of treatment 163
Talking About Treatments for Alzheimer's Disease 163
Strategies to Treat the Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease 164
Treating cognition and treating behavior 164
References 165
Chapter 14: Cholinesterase inhibitors 166
Cholinesterase Inhibitors in Alzheimer's Disease 167
Should I prescribe a cholinesterase inhibitor? 167
Is the medication working? 174
Which cholinesterase inhibitor should I prescribe? 177
What is the best dose? 178
When should the medications be taken? 179
Does it help to switch medications? 179
How do I discuss with the patient whether the cholinesterase inhibitor is working? 180
Cholinesterase inhibitors in late-stage disease 181
Cholinesterase inhibitors in other disorders 181
References 182
Chapter 15: Memantine (Namenda) 184
Mechanism of action 185
Which patients should take memantine (Namenda)? 185
Efficacy of memantine (Namenda) 187
Safety and tolerability of memantine (Namenda) 188
Titrating memantine (Namenda) 188
Combining memantine (Namenda) with cholinesterase inhibitors 189
Memantine (Namenda) in the mild stage of Alzheimer's disease 190
Memantine (Namenda) in other dementias 190
References 191
Chapter 16: Vitamins, herbs, supplements, and anti-inflammatories 193
Vitamin E 194
B Complex vitamins: Folic Acid, B6, B12 195
Ginkgo Biloba 196
DHA (fish oil) 196
Anti-inflammatories 196
References 197
Chapter 17: Future treatments of memory loss 199
Strategies to Treat the Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease 200
Disease-modifying treatments 201
Lessons from failed trials and chronic traumatic encephalopathy 211
The Future of Alzheimer's disease Therapy 212
References 212
Chapter 18: Non-pharmacological treatment of memory loss 214
External memory aids 214
Specific diets? 216
Social and cognitively stimulating activities 217
Aerobic exercise 218
References 218
Section IV: Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms\rof Dementia 220
Chapter 19: Evaluating the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia 220
What constitutes behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia? 221
The benefits of treating behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia 222
Measuring behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia 223
Evaluating behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: pragmatic guidelines for the clinician 225
Formulating a treatment plan for behavioral and psychological symptoms: pragmatic guidelines for the clinician 5
Section V: Additional Issues 259
Chapter 23: Life adjustments 259
Mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease in the very mild and mild stages 260
Alzheimer's disease in the moderate to severe stages 262
References 264
Chapter 24: Legal and financial issues 266
Legal planning 266
Financial planning 269
Chapter 25: Special issues 271
The patient who does not want to come to the appointment 271
The patient who does not want you to talk to their family 272
Talking to adult children of patients about their risk of Alzheimer's disease and what they can do about it 273
References 274
Section VI: Case Studies 275
Patient 1 276
Patient 2 277
Patient 3 278
Patient 4 279
Patient 5 280
Patient 6 281
Patient 7 282
Patient 8 283
Patient 9 284
Patient 10 285
Patient 11 286
Appendix A: Cognitive test and questionnaire forms, instructions, and normative data e1
Mental status tests e1
Single neuropsychological tests e3
Screening instruments that combine single tests e5
Informant (caregiver)-completed screening questionnaires e5
Appendix B: Screening for memory loss e8
To screen or not to screen? e8
Screening in primary care practice e11
References e14
Appendix C: Our current understanding\rof memory e16
Episodic memory e16
Semantic memory e19
Procedural memory e20
Working memory e21
Concluding comment e22
References e22
Index 289
Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver\rQuestionaire (ADCQ) e1
Questions e1
Blessed Dementia Rating Scale e1
Information, Memory, Concentration subtest e1
Category Fluency Test e1
Clock Drawing Test e1
7Minute Screen\r e1
MOCA Test\r e1
AD8 Form\r e1