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Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology E-Book

Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology E-Book

Barry K. B. Berkovitz | Bernard J. Moxham | Roger W. A. Linden | Alastair J. Sloan


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Book Details


A new volume in the successful revision guide series – Master Dentistry - which offers a concise text covering the essentials of oral biology with accompanying self-assessment questions and model answers.

    • Quick reference revision aid for dental students – ideal for exam preparation!
    • Covers the ‘essentials’ of the subject to a level that is expected with the GDC’s curriculum outlined in the First Five Years document.
    • Each chapter provides a brief overview of the topic and lists the essential learning objectives for that area of study.
    • Presents key anatomical, biochemical and physiological material in a useful, integrated, clinically relevant format.
    • Includes extensive self-testing material – true false questions, extended matching questions, picture questions, and essay questions – enabling readers to assess their knowledge and perfect exam techniques.
    • Contains unique, ‘mind-map’ summary sheets to provide crucial information in a pictorial format to further promote learning.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front\rCover Cover
Master Dentistry Volume Three iii
Copyright\r iv
Contents v
Preface vii
Chapter 1 - Anatomy of the oral cavity and the jaws 1
Lips 1
Cheeks 1
Oral vestibule 1
Palate 1
Floor of the mouth 2
Maxillary bones 2
Maxillary sinus 2
Bones contributing to the hard palate 2
Mandible 2
Self-assessment: questions 4
Self-assessment: answers 7
Chapter 2 - Temporomandibular (craniomandibular) joint 10
Mandibular fossa 10
Mandibular condyle 10
Joint capsule 10
Synovial membrane 11
Temporomandibular ligament 11
Accessory ligaments 11
Intra-articular disc 11
Nerves 11
Blood supply 11
Articular surfaces 12
Intra-articular disc 12
Synovial membrane 12
Mandibular condyle of the child 12
Self-assessment: questions 13
Self-assessment: answers 15
Chapter 3 - Human dentition: tooth morphology and occlusion 18
Tooth morphology 18
Dental notation 18
Differences between teeth of the deciduous and permanent dentitions 19
Incisors 19
Canines 21
Premolars 21
Molars 22
The occlusion of the permanent teeth 24
Centric occlusal position 24
Malocclusions 25
Self-assessment: questions 27
Self-assessment: answers 33
Chapter 4 - Orofacial musculature, mastication and swallowing 36
Muscles of mastication 36
Floor of the mouth 38
Muscles of the tongue 38
Muscles of facial expression 38
Muscles of the soft palate 39
Mastication 39
Chewing cycle 40
Control of mastication 41
Stages of swallowing 42
Swallowing centre 43
Swallowing reflexes 43
Self-assessment: questions 44
Self-assessment: answers 47
Chapter 5 - Tongue, flavour, thermoreception and speech 51
Introduction 51
Muscles 52
Blood supply 53
Lymphatic drainage 53
Sensory innervation 53
Taste 53
Taste buds 53
Transduction mechanisms 54
Afferent gustatory neurones 55
Common chemical sense 55
Olfactory epithelium 55
Odorant membrane receptors 56
Olfactory pathway 56
Thermoreception 57
Cold and warm receptors 57
Thermoreceptive afferent pathway 57
Speech 58
Phonation 58
Articulation 58
Resonance 58
Classification of sounds 58
Pathways and centres for speech 59
Self-assessment: questions 60
Self-assessment: answers 63
Chapter 6 - Vasculature, lymphatics and innervation of the orodental tissues 67
Blood supply to orodental tissues 67
Venous drainage of orodental tissues 68
Lymphatic drainage of orodental tissues 68
Innervation of orodental tissues 69
Secretomotor innervation of the salivary glands 70
The trigeminal nerve (maxillary and mandibular divisions) 71
Self-assessment: questions 73
Self-assessment: answers 75
Chapter 7 - Salivary glands, saliva\rand salivation 79
Parotid gland 79
Submandibular gland 80
Sublingual gland 80
Physiology and biochemistry of salivary glands and saliva 80
Composition of saliva 80
Formation of saliva 81
Reflex activity 82
Histology of the salivary glands 83
Parotid gland 84
Submandibular gland 84
Sublingual gland 85
Minor salivary glands 85
Self-assessment: questions 86
Self-assessment: answers 89
Chapter 8 - Investing organic layers on enamel surfaces 94
Soft tissues covering an erupting tooth 94
The erupted healthy tooth 94
Dental plaque 94
Calculus 96
Self-assessment: questions 98
Self-assessment: answers 100
Chapter 9 - Development of the craniofacial complex 101
Development of the face 101
Development of the palate 102
Development of the jaws 102
Development of the tongue 104
Development of the thyroid gland 104
Self-assessment: questions 105
Self-assessment: answers 109
Chapter 10 - Early tooth development, root development (including cementogenesis) and tooth eruption 113
Early tooth development 113
Bud stage 114
Cap stage 114
Early bell stage 114
Late bell stage 115
Enamel knot 115
Experimental studies 115
Root development 116
Cementogenesis 116
Introduction 118
Resorption and shedding of a deciduous tooth 118
Gubernacular canal 119
Chronology for tooth development 119
Eruptive mechanism 120
Self-assessment: questions 122
Self-assessment: answers 130
Chapter 11 - Mechanisms of mineralization 135
Matrix vesicle-mediated mineralization 135
Heterogenous nucleation 136
Mineralization of circumpulpal dentine 136
Initial mineralization of root dentine 136
Mineralization of bone 136
Mineralization of enamel 137
Mineralization of cementum 137
Self-assessment: questions 139
Self-assessment: answers 140
Chapter 12 - Dental tissues. I 142
Enamel structure 142
Physical properties 142
Composition 142
Enamel prisms 143
Incremental lines 143
Surface enamel 144
Enamel–dentine junction 144
Presecretory stage 144
Secretory stage 145
Transition stage 145
Maturation stage 146
Post-maturation stage 147
Self-assessment: questions (Enamel structure) 148
Self-assessment: answers (Enamel structure) 151
Chapter 13 - Dental tissues. II 161
Structure and composition of dentine 161
Physical properties 161
Chemical composition 162
Dentinal tubule 162
Regional variations in dentine structure and composition 163
Incremental lines 164
Age-related and posteruptive changes 164
Dentine sensitivity 165
Dentine development (dentinogenesis) 165
Differentiation of odontoblasts 165
Organic matrix 166
Mineralization of mantle dentine 166
Dentinogenesis in the root 167
Secondary dentine 167
Tertiary dentine 168
Development of the pulp 168
Dental pulp 169
Organization and composition of the dental pulp 169
Blood supply 170
Lymphatic vessels 170
Nerve supply 170
Pain 171
Age-related changes 173
Self-assessment: questions (Structure and composition of dentine) 174
Self-assessment: answers (Dental pulp) 192
Chapter 14 - Dental tissues. III 194
Physical properties 194
Chemical composition 194
Classification 195
Resorption 196
Self-assessment: questions 197
Self-assessment: answers 200
Chapter 15 - Periodontal ligament (including oral and periodontal mechanoreception and the tooth support mechanism) 203
Fibres 203
Non-collagenous matrix or ground substance 204
Cells 205
Blood supply 206
Nerve fibres 206
Mechanoreception 207
Periodontal ligament as a specialized connective tissue 210
Development of the root and periodontal ligament 210
Tooth support mechanism 210
Self-assessment: questions 212
Self-assessment: answers 216
Chapter 16 - Alveolar bone: structure and composition 221
Biochemical composition 221
Classification 222
Gross morphology 222
Histology 222
Cell types 223
Sharpey fibres 224
Structural lines 224
Resorption and deposition of bone 224
Self-assessment: questions 226
Self-assessment: answers 229
Chapter 17 - Oral mucosa and gingival crevicular fluid: structure and composition 235
Functions 235
Classification 235
Epithelium 236
Cytokeratins 237
Non-keratinocytes 237
Lamina propria 237
Regional variation 237
Self-assessment: questions 241
Self-assessment: answers 245
Chapter 18 - Revision summary charts 250
Index 291