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Equine Ophthalmology - E-Book

Equine Ophthalmology - E-Book

Brian Gilger


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Book Details


With contributions from 18 of the world's leading equine experts, Equine Ophthalmology provides the comprehensive and authoritative coverage you need to diagnose, manage, and operate on ocular disorders in horses. Detailed illustrations facilitate the accurate identification of a wide range of ocular diseases, while up-to-date and easily accessible clinical information helps you decide on the best course of treatment.

  • As the only comprehensive textbook on equine ophthalmology, this reference provides the information you need to treat and manage equine ocular disease.
  • Seventeen expert contributors share their extensive insight while providing the most authoritative and current information available.
  • An extensive collection of high-quality images helps you to identify and treat painful ocular diseases in horses.
  • Coverage of the financial impact of ocular disease on the equine industry provides a larger perspective on the importance of effective treatment.
  • Greater clinical detail concerning treatment, diagnosis, and procedures offers practical information for the general equine practitioner and an up-to-date resource for specialists.
  • Expert coverage of recent and far-reaching advances in equine ophthalmology includes an expanded section on genetics.
  • A NEW chapter on Ophthalmologic Treatment in the Field, written by expert Ann Dwyer, offers an essential overview of ocular problems that require immediate attention.
  • NEW "how to" sections provide succinct directions on specific procedures for readers who are not well versed in surgery.
  • A detailed chapter outline starts each chapter and provides a quick overview of the chapter contents.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Equine Ophthalmology i
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
Table of contents xiii
Chapter 1: Equine Ocular Examination: 1
Medical History 1
Routine and Advanced Equipment Required for the Ophthalmic Examination 2
Overview and Methods of the Equine Ocular Examination 3
Advanced Ophthalmic Procedures 29
Advanced Ophthalmic Diagnostics 31
Advanced Ocular Imaging 37
References 47
Chapter 2: Practical General Field Ophthalmology 52
Field Ophthalmology Basics 52
Ophthalmic Tests in the Field 57
Imaging in the Field 65
Treatment of Ocular Problems in the Field 71
Ophthalmology and the Equine Industry 84
Conclusions 91
Acknowledgment 92
References 92
Chapter 3: Diseases and Surgery of the Globe and Orbit 93
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 93
Orbital Diagnostics 98
Impact of Orbital Diseases on the Equine Industry 99
Clinical Signs of Orbital Disease 99
Congenital Diseases 105
Acquired Diseases 106
Infectious Orbital Disease 111
Noninfectious Inflammatory Diseases of the Equine Orbit 113
Periorbital Nasal and Sinus Diseases 114
Iatrogenic Orbital Disease 117
General Therapy of Orbital Disease 118
Surgery of the Orbit 118
Future Research 130
Acknowledgment 130
References 130
Chapter 4: Equine Ocular Adnexal and Nasolacrimal Disease 133
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 133
Economic Impact of Ocular Adnexal Disease on the Equine Industry 137
Congenital Ocular Adnexal Disease 138
Congenital Diseases of the Nasolacrimal System 141
General Therapeutic Considerations When Treating Horses for Acquired Adnexal or Nasolacrimal Disease 143
Acquired Adnexal Disease 146
Neurologic Disorders of the Eyelids 155
Third Eyelid Disorders 158
Acquired Nasolacrimal Disorders 160
Adnexal Neoplasia 162
Future Research for Eyelid, Conjunctival, and Nasolacrimal Diseases in Horses 175
Acknowledgment 175
References 175
Chapter 5: Diseases and Surgery of the Cornea 181
Acquired Diseases 191
Corneal Surgery 234
References 259
Chapter 6: Diseases of the Uvea 267
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 267
Impact of Uveal Disease on the Equine Industry 270
Congenital Diseases 270
Acquired Diseases 274
Future Research 280
References 280
Chapter 7: Diseases and Surgery of the Lens 282
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 282
Economic Impact of Lens Disease on the Equine Industry 283
Congenital Diseases 283
Acquired Diseases 286
Evaluation and Treatment of Cataracts 295
Future Research on Lens Disease in Horses 312
References 314
Chapter 8: Equine Recurrent Uveitis 317
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 318
Impact of Equine Recurrent Uveitis on the Horse Industry 320
Classification of Equine Uveitis 321
Clinical Appearance of Equine Recurrent Uveitis 322
Chronic End-Stage Equine Recurrent Uveitis 326
Immunologic Aspects of Equine Recurrent Uveitis 327
Pathology of Equine Recurrent Uveitis 331
Differential Considerations and Diagnostic Methods 333
Equine Recurrent Uveitis and Leptospirosis 334
Equine Recurrent Uveitis in Appaloosa Horses 337
Prognosis of Horses With Equine Recurrent Uveitis 338
Management of Equine Recurrent Uveitis 339
Medical Therapy for Equine Recurrent Uveitis 340
Surgical Treatment of Equine Recurrent Uveitis 342
Future Research for Equine Recurrent Uveitis 346
Acknowledgment 346
References 346
Chapter 9: Glaucoma 350
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 350
Pathophysiology of Glaucoma 354
Diagnosis and Clinical Signs of Glaucoma 355
Treatment for Glaucoma 360
Future Study: Why is Equine Glaucoma an “Enigma”? 364
References 365
Chapter 10: Diseases of the Ocular Posterior Segment 367
Examination of the Ocular Fundus 368
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 370
Impact of Disease of the Ocular Posterior Segment on the Equine Industry 375
Diseases of the Ocular Fundus 375
Acquired Diseases 380
Other Miscellaneous Posterior Segment Disease in the Horse 392
Vitrectomy and Vitreous Surgery 393
Future Research 394
References 394
Chapter 11: Equine Vision 397
“Seeing” 397
Luminance and the Perception of Light 398
Other Ocular Adaptations 401
Detecting Motion 403
The Perception of Depth 406
Visual Texture 409
Visual Acuity 409
The Perception of Form 419
Effect of Select Ocular Abnormalities on Vision 424
Effect of Drugs on Vision 425
Vitreous Floaters 425
Effect of Refractive Errors on Vision 425
Orbital Disorders 427
Corneal Disorders 427
Iris Cysts 427
Lens Disorders 427
Glaucoma 428
Presumed Visually Mediated Behavioral Disorders 428
Summary 429
References 430
Chapter 12: Inherited Ocular Disorders 434
The Equine Genome 434
Investigation of Hereditary Eye Disease 436
Recent Advances in Equine Genome and Hereditary Eye Disease 440
The Future 440
References 441
Additional Reading and Resources 442
Chapter 13: Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease 443
Neuro-ophthalmic Diseases 443
Viral Diseases 451
Bacterial and Rickettsial Diseases 453
Protozoal Diseases 457
Fungal Diseases 458
Parasitic Diseases 458
Miscellaneous Disorders 460
Future Research 465
References 465
Chapter 14: Practical Management of Blind Horses 470
Adaptation to Blindness: Give Them Time 470
Common Sense Safety Concerns 471
Decision Making for Owners 473
Bullies and Buddies: Social Interactions with Other Horses 473
Blind Broodmares with Foals 474
Coping in the Dark 474
Training Blind Horses: Talk and Touch! 475
Lives Blind Horses Lead 477
Horses with Unilateral Loss of Sight 479
Comments on Enucleation of Blind Eyes 479
Special Partnerships 480
References 481
Glossary 482
Index 487