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Nursing Calculations E-Book

Nursing Calculations E-Book

John D. Gatford | Nicole Phillips


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Book Details


This best-selling book enables nursing students to calculate drug doses accurately and quickly. It begins with a diagnostic test to pinpoint any weaknesses in basic arithmetic and is followed by specific exercises to remedy them.

Examples are drawn from everyday clinical practice with graded exercises and answers. The content covers

  • administering injections, tablets and mixtures
  • intravenous infusions
  • administering safe dosages to children.

Nursing Calculations is an essential aid to safe clinical practice for student nurses and those returning to the profession.

A diagnostic test at the start allows readers to review their knowledge of maths and identify their weak points

Numerous exercises give plenty of practice in making drug calculations

Answers to questions aid self-study

Revision and summary exercises ensure that the reader fully understands the calculations

The nursing context and use of actual drug labels allows the application of theory to everyday practice

All medications reviewed and updated in accordance with current practice

Revised layout to avoid crowded pages

A portable laminated card placed inside the back cover with the key formulae that students need to remember

Additional exercises, labels and paediatric examples

Additional set of syringe diagrams

A new table of abbreviations and their meanings and explanation of the 24-hour clock

Addition of handwritten prescriptions to the medication label exercises to improve links to real-life practice

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Nursing Calculations iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Preface to the Eighth Edition vi
Preface to the First Edition vii
Acknowledgements vii
Formulae used in this Book viii
Chapter 1: A review of relevant calculations 1
Short List of Mathematical Terms 3
Whole numbers 3
Fractions 3
Proper and improper fractions 3
Decimals 4
Percentages 4
Other terms 4
Diagnostic Test 6
Multiplication by 10, 100 and 1000 10
Examples 10
Review exercise 1A 11
Division by 10, 100 and 1000 12
Example A 12
Example B 12
Review exercise 1B 13
Converting Units 14
Memorise 14
Example A 14
Example B 14
Example C 14
Example D 14
Example E 14
Example F 14
Example G 14
Example H 14
Review exercise 1C 15
Comparing Measurements 16
Example A 16
Example B 16
Review exercise 1D 17
Multiplication of Decimals 18
Example A 18
Example B 18
Example C 18
Review exercise 1E 19
Factors 20
Example 20
Review exercise 1F 21
Simplifying Fractions I 22
Example A 22
Example B 22
Review exercise 1G 23
Simplifying Fractions II 24
Example A 24
Example B 24
Review exercise 1H 25
Simplifying Fractions III 26
Example A 26
Example B 26
Simplifying Fractions IV 28
Review exercise 1J 29
Rounding off Decimal Numbers 30
Rounding off to one decimal place 30
Example A 30
Rounding off to two decimal places 30
Example B 30
Review exercise 1K 31
Fraction to a Decimal I 32
Example A 32
Example B 32
Example C 32
Example D 32
Review exercise 1L 33
Fraction to a Decimal II 34
Example A 34
Example B 34
Example C 34
Review exercise 1M 35
Fraction to a Decimal III 36
Example A 36
Example B 36
Review exercise 1N 37
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions 38
Example A 38
Example B 38
Review exercise 1O 39
Multiplication of Fractions 40
Example A 40
Example B 40
Example C 40
Review exercise 1P 41
Multiplication of a Fraction by a Whole Number 42
Example A 42
Example B 42
Review exercise 1Q 43
Chapter 2: Dosages of oral medications 45
What you need to know 45
Calculating Dosages of Tablets 47
Example 1 47
Example 2 48
Exercise 2A 49
Combinations of Tablets 50
Example 50
Exercise 2B 51
Strength of Solution According to Volume 52
Example 52
Exercise 2C 53
Calculating Dosages of Oral Medications 54
Example 1 54
Example 2 54
Exercise 2D 55
Oral Calculations Involving Medication Labels 56
Exercise 2E 56
Chapter 2 Revision 58
Chapter 3: Dosages of medications for injection 59
What you need to know 59
Estimating the Volume for Injection 60
Example 1 60
Example 2 60
Example 3 60
Exercise 3A 61
Calculating Volumes of Dosages for Injection 62
Example 1 62
Example 2 62
Exercise 3B 63
Exercise 3C 64
Exercise 3D 65
Exercise 3E 66
Exercise 3F 67
Calculations for Injection Involving Medication Labels 68
Exercise 3G 68
Measuring Volumes for Injection Using Syringes 72
Exercise 3H 72
Chapter 3 Revision 79
Chapter 4: Intravenous infusion 81
Calculating Volume of an Infusion 83
Example 1 83
Calculating Time for an Infusion 84
Example 2 84
Exercise 4A 85
Calculating Rates of Flow in Millilitres Per Hour (Ml/Hr) Given the Time in Hours 86
Example 86
Exercise 4B 87
Calculating Rates of Flow in Millilitres Per Hour (Ml/Hr) Given the Time in Minutes 88
Example 88
Exercise 4C 89
Calculating Rates of Flow in Drops Per Minute (Drops/Min) 90
Example 92
Exercise 4D 93
Calculating Rates of Flow for Blood Transfusions (In Drops/Min) 94
Example 94
Exercise 4E 95
Calculating Running Times and Finishing Times of Intravenous Infusions 96
Example 1 96
Example 2 96
Exercise 4F 97
Calculating Stock Concentration and Administration of Dosages 98
Example 1 99
Example 2 100
Exercise 4G 101
Calculating Kilojoules of Energy 102
Example 102
Exercise 4H 103
Chapter 4 Revision 104
Chapter 5: Paediatric dosages 107
What you need to know 107
Calculating a Single Dose Based on Body Weight 109
Example 1 109
Calculating a Single Dose Based on Body Weight 110
Example 2 110
Exercise 5A 111
Calculating Volumes for Injection in Paediatric Patients 112
Example 1 112
Example 2 112
Exercise 5B 113
Calculating Paediatric Dosages for Oral Medications in Liquid Form 114
Example 1 115
Example 2 116
Exercise 5C 117
Calculating Paediatric Dosages Involving Powder-Form Medications for Injection 118
Volume of Water-For-Injection &Concentration of a Solution 119
Example 120
Exercise 5D 121
Determining a Child's Body Surface Area Using A Nomogram 122
Example 1 124
Example 2 124
Exercise 5E 125
Calculating Paediatric Dosages Based on Body Surface Area 126
Example 126
Exercise 5F 127
Chapter 5 Revision 128
Chapter 6: Revision of nursing calculations 131
Revision exercise 6A 131
Revision exercise 6B 134
Chapter 7: Answers 137
Chapter 1: A Review of Relevant Calculations 137
Diagnostic test 137
Review exercise 1A 138
Review exercise 1B 139
Review exercise 1C 139
Review exercise 1D 140
Review exercise 1E 140
Review exercise 1F 141
Review exercise 1G 141
Review exercise 1H 142
Review exercise 1I 142
Review exercise 1J 143
Review exercise 1K 143
Review exercise 1L 143
Review exercise 1M 144
Review exercise 1N 144
Review exercise 10 144
Review exercise 1P 145
Review exercise 1Q 145
Chapter 2: Dosages of Oral Medications 146
Exercise 2A 146
Exercise 2B 146
Exercise 2C 147
Exercise 2D 147
Exercise 2E 147
Chapter 2 Revision 147
Chapter 3: Dosages of Medications for Injection 148
Exercise 3A 148
Exercise 3B 148
Exercise 3C 148
Exercise 3D 148
Exercise 3E 148
Exercise 3F 148
Exercise 3G 149
Exercise 3H 149
Chapter 3 Revision 149
Chapter 4: Intravenous Infusion 150
Exercise 4A 150
Exercise 4B 150
Exercise 4C 150
Exercise 4D 150
Exercise 4E 151
Exercise 4F 151
Exercise 4G 151
Exercise 4H 151
Chapter 4 Revision 152
Chapter 5: Paediatric Dosages 153
Exercise 5A 153
Exercise 5B 153
Exercise 5C 153
Exercise 5D 153
Exercise 5E 153
Exercise 5F 153
Chapter 5 Revision 154
Chapter 6: Revision of Nursing Calculations 155
Revision exercise 6A 155
Revision exercise 6B 156
Index 157