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Pediatric Fracture Management

Pediatric Fracture Management

Bhaskar Atul R


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Children are prone to injuries and may sustain a fracture. Their treatment is often very challenging because there is a dilemma of diagnosis, the problem of the acceptable position, the effect of fracture on growth of child and above all the effect of growth on fracture. Thus the skeletal dynamics makes management of children?s fractures very challenging. In treating pediatric fractures, age and timing of presentation has the most significant impact on treatment options. A window period exists after which intervention can produce more harm. This is particularly true for fractures around the elbow region, and growth plate injuries. This book presents the salient features of pediatric fracture care both for the in-training residents, as well as for practicing orthopedic surgeons. It covers upper limbs, spine, pelvis, acetabulum and lower limb fractures. Relevant remarks, features and complications are listed for easy reading. Includes a comprehensive bibliography for those who seek finer detail and information.