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Rachel Anne Williams


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Book Details


How do I know I am trans? Is trans feminism real feminism? What is there to say about trans women's male privilege?

This collection of insightful, pithy and passionately argued think pieces from a trans-feminist perspective explores issues surrounding gender, feminism and philosophy and challenges misconceptions about trans identities. The book confronts contentious debates in gender studies to alleviate ongoing tension between feminism and trans women. Split into six sections, this collection covers wider issues, as well as autobiographical experiences, designed to stimulate the reader and encourage them to actively participate.

Rachel Anne Williams is a trans woman who runs the popular blog She has 5000+ Twitter followers and 1000+ YouTube subscribers and has written for publications such as Medium. She previously worked in academia as a philosopher, and is based in the US.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Transgressive: A Trans Woman on Gender, Feminism, and Politics by Rachel Anne Williams 3
Preface 11
Trans feminine Blues 19
1. Trans porn, trans women, and the fetishization of “t-gurls” 21
2. Trans women and male privilege 26
3. Trannies, traps, and the third gender 32
4. Becoming the woman I never was 37
5. Embracing ambiguity 43
6. On being an angry tranny 47
Feminist Musings 51
7. Trans feminism is real feminism 53
8. The paradoxical duality of cat-calling as a trans woman 57
9. Dysphoria as a symptom of modernity 60
10. Sapiosexualism is here to stay 65
11. Why I was not born in the wrong body 71
12. The inherent superiority of softness 74
13. Nobody is trans enough 78
14. The three waves of trans feminism 82
Life in Transition 91
15. Let us grow 93
16. Early days of transition: A phenomenology of change 98
17. Learning to say “fuck it” to passing 103
18. Hyper-vigilance in the gender machine 111
Gender and Politics 117
19. Monster politics: On being an assemblage 119
20. Is the very concept of “passing” problematic? 123
21. The “truscum” debate 129
22. Radical feminism, essentialism, and normality 138
23. Autogynephilia, the gift that keeps on giving 142
24. Gender hacking, bio-sex, and the new identity politics 147
25. A plea for agnosticism in an age of ardor 151
26. There I go again, thinking I have a basic right to exist in society 156
27. Sacred bullshit: A rebuttal to Dan Harris 160
Metaphysics and Epistemology 171
28. Against the sex/gender distinction 173
29. Trans without transition? A critique of gender identity 178
30. How do I know I am trans? 183
31. Brains, vats, and radical feminism 188
32. Gender agnosticism 192
33. The promise and failure of gender nihilism 196
34. Sex changes 203
Autobiographical Notes 211
35. Giving up my male privilege 213
36. U-hauling, radical vulnerability, and the existential feels of queer, poly love 218
37. “That’s so crazy!”: Ableism, madness, and the politics of perfect language 223
38. Queering personal finance 229
39. t4t 236
40. Learning to love myself 243
Further Resources 254
Notes 260
Index 266
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