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Seitai (Lymphatic) Shiatsu, Cupping and Gua Sha for a Healthy Immune System

Seitai (Lymphatic) Shiatsu, Cupping and Gua Sha for a Healthy Immune System

Richard Gold | Ted Kaptchuk



To ensure a well-functioning immune system, the lymphatic system must be healthy. This book provides detailed information on the principles and practice of techniques from East Asian medicine which vitalize and move the lymphatic system to get the immune system working at its optimal level. These techniques include shiatsu, cupping therapy and gua sha.

Highlighting the significance of the omentum (a layer of peritoneum that surrounds abdominal organs), the book describes the dynamic physiological attributes of this mostly ignored component of human anatomy. Using the author's decades of experience working in East Asian and Integrative medicine, he expertly builds a bridge between Western theories of the immune system with Asian bodywork's emphasis on abdominal treatment. Innovative and insightful guidance for students and practitioners working in Asian Healing modalities and lymphatic techniques.

Dr Richard Gold has been an East Asian medicine practitioner since 1978 and was one of the original founders, faculty and Board members of the very highly regarded Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in the US. He is based in San Diego, California.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Seitai (Lymphatic) Shiatsu, Cupping and Gua Sha for a Healthy Immune System\r\nby Richard Gold 3
Foreword by Ted Kaptchuk 9
Preface 11
Introduction 16
1. The Lymph System: Our Silent Protector 19
2. Blood Formation According to the Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 23
3. Primacy of Abdominal Therapy (Ampuku), the Omentum and Interstitium 27
4. A Step-by-Step Guide: Seitai Shiatsu 32
5. Gua Sha 114
6. Cupping 120
7. Introduction and Disclaimer in Regard to Sensei Kyoshi Kato’s Treatise 127
8. In Search of New Medical Treatments: Towards a World Revolution in Medical Science, Pharmacology and Dietetics 131
9. Additional Resources 169
10. Final Thoughts 171
Index 173
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