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Language Learning and Teaching in a Multilingual World

Language Learning and Teaching in a Multilingual World

Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes | Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes | Julie McAllister | Assist. Prof. Malory Leclère | Grégory Miras


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The majority of people around the world live in multilingual societies, and so it follows that plurilingualism should be considered normal. This book proposes a flexible and adaptive framework for designing and implementing language learning environments and tasks, which will be useful for practitioners working in classrooms where many languages are already spoken. The authors begin by presenting a state-of-the-art review of current research on language learning, language teaching and multilingual language acquisition. This is followed by a qualitative review of 37 multilingual research projects, which are treated as case studies to inform the practical guidance that constitutes the remainder of the book. The information and practical framework contained within this book will be of interest to both researchers, teachers and teacher educators.

Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes is Professor Emeritus at the Université de Nantes, France.

Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes is Professor Emeritus at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France.

Julie McAllister is Senior Lecturer at the Université de Nantes, France.

Malory Leclère is Senior Lecturer at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France.

Grégory Miras is Senior Lecturer at the Université de Rouen, France.

This book focuses on how recent research findings on language learning have been implemented in classrooms. As French academics with strong connections to the North African, European and Anglophone spheres, the authors offer a fresh and dynamic take on issues associated with multilingualism and language teaching around the world.

This book is an essential resource for researchers and students concerned with the design, empirical investigation and evaluation of language learning environments in multilingual contexts. It provides a wide-ranging and admirably compact overview of theoretical issues, summarizes and comments illuminatingly on 37 published case studies, and explores the practicalities of programme design. An indispensable reference tool and handbook.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
DOI iv
Contents v
Introduction xi
Part 1 Reference Theories: Interrelationships and Complementarities 1
1 Neurophysiology, Cognition and Language 3
2 Language and Cognitive Development in a Plurilingual Perspective 9
3 Multilingual Practices 18
4 Psycholinguistics and SLA: Useful Constructs Revisited 26
5 Cultures, Affects and Identities 35
6 The Potential of Information and Communication Technology for Language Learning 47
7 Context 55
Part 2 Multilingual Practices in Action 67
8 Organisation of the Study 69
9 North America 74
10 Africa 85
11 European Large-Scale Projects and Intercomprehension Networks 91
12 European Small-Scale Projects 100
13 Telecollaboration 117
14 Learning Languages in Multilingual Contexts: Where are We Now? 129
15 When Theory and Practice Meet 147
Part 3 Designing Contextualised Language Learning Environments in a Plurilingual Perspective 151
16 Multilingual Language Learning and ICT 153
17 Designing Courses and Tasks in a Multilingual Perspective 157
18 Modelling the Work 167
References 179
Index 202