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Argumentation in Chemistry Education

Argumentation in Chemistry Education

Sibel Erduran


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Many studies have highlighted the importance of discourse in scientific understanding. Argumentation is a form of scientific discourse that plays a central role in the building of explanations, models and theories. Scientists use arguments to relate the evidence that they select from their investigations and to justify the claims that they make about their observations. The implication is that argumentation is a scientific habit of mind that needs to be appropriated by students and explicitly taught through suitable instruction.

Edited by Sibel Erduran, an internationally recognised expert in chemistry education, this book brings together leading researchers to draw attention to research, policy and practice around the inclusion of argumentation in chemistry education. Split into three sections: Research on Argumentation in Chemistry Education, Resources and Strategies on Argumentation in Chemistry Education, and Argumentation in Context, this book blends practical resources and strategies with research-based evidence. The book contains state of the art research and offers educators a balanced perspective on the theory and practice of argumentation in chemistry education.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Preface v
Author Biographies vii
Acknowledgements xv
Dedication xvi
Contents xvii
Chapter 1: Argumentation in Chemistry Education: An Overview 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Infusing Argumentation in Teaching and Learning 3
1.3 Curriculum Context of Argumentation 4
1.4 Overview of the Book 5
References 9
Chapter 2: Teaching and Learning Chemistry through Argumentation 11
2.1 Teaching and Learning Chemistry through Argumentation 11
2.1.1 Introduction 11
2.1.2 Nature of Chemical Knowledge 13
2.1.3 Argumentation Defined and Operationalized 15 Argumentation Studies in K-12 Education 17 Argumentation Studies at the University Level 19 Argumentation Studies in Pre-service Teacher Education 22
2.1.4 Conclusion and Discussion 24 Challenges with Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn 24 Promising Practices That Help Facilitate Student Learning in Argumentation 25 Design Principles for Argumentation Tasks 26 Design Principles for Group Argumentation 26
Practical Digest 27
References 29
Chapter 3: Interdisciplinarity and Argumentation in Chemistry Education 32
3.1 Introduction 32
3.2 Interdisciplinarity in Chemical Education 33
3.2.1 Interdisciplinary Thinking for Attaining Chemical Literacy 33
3.2.2 Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in Chemistry 34
3.3 Interdisciplinary Approaches for Knowledge Integration 38
3.3.1 STEM Learning 38
3.3.2 Knowledge Integration Through HPS and NOS 38
3.3.3 Knowledge Integration Through SSI 40
3.4 Argumentation in Interdisciplinary Settings in Chemistry Education 42
3.4.1 Argumentation as a Scientific Practice: Participating in Science’s Epistemic Goals 42
3.4.2 Relevance of Argumentative Practices for Interdisciplinary Learning in Chemistry Education 43
3.5 Argument-based Interdisciplinary Learning in Chemistry Education: Examples from Classroom Studies 45
3.5.1 Use of Interdisciplinary Evidence for Drawing a Conclusion about how to Prevent Browning in Apples 45
3.5.2 Use of Interdisciplinary Knowledge for Evaluating Arguments in Order to Make a Decision About where to Build a Nuclear Waste Deposit 47
3.5.3 Applying an Interdisciplinary Simulation for Identifying the Best Toothpaste in Preventing Cavities 50
3.6 Concluding Remarks 52
Practical Digest 53
Acknowledgments 56
References 57
Chapter 4: Lesson Resources and Teaching Strategies on Argumentation for Secondary Chemistry Education 62
4.1 Introduction 62
4.2 Concept Cartoons 63
4.2.1 Lesson Ideas Using a Concept Cartoon 64
4.2.2 Ideas for Argumentation in Lower Secondary 66
4.2.3 Ideas for Argumentation in Upper Secondary 67
4.3 Evidence-based Reasoning Approach 67
4.3.1 Lesson Ideas using Evidence-based Reasoning 68
4.4 Writing Frames 70
4.5 Social Media 72
4.5.1 Lesson Idea: Coal Versus Renewable Energy 73
4.5.2 Lesson Idea: The Great Plastic Race 74
4.6 Conclusions 75
References 75
Chapter 5: Using Computer Technology to Support the Teaching and Learning of Argumentation in Chemistry 79
5.1 The Intersection of Computer Technology and Scientific Argumentation 79
5.2 Online Learning Communities 80
5.2.1 Asynchronous Versus Synchronous Argumentation 80 A Matter of Time? 81 A Matter of Modality? 81
5.2.2 Strategic Composition of Groups 82
5.3 Digital Scaffolding 83
5.3.1 Accessing and Organizing Evidence 83
5.3.2 Visualization Tools 83
5.3.3 Argument Mapping 86
5.4 Supporting Argumentation through Classroom Response Technology 86
5.4.1 Braincandy 86
5.5 Supporting Argumentation through Computerized Assessment 90
5.5.1 DiALoG: Supporting the Assessment of Oral Arguments 90 Development of Responsive Mini-Lessons (RMLs) 93 Pilot Testing with Teachers 93
5.5.2 Supporting the Assessment of Written Arguments 95
5.6 Implications for Chemistry Education 99
Practical Digest 102
Acknowledgments 103
References 103
Chapter 6: Assessment of Argumentation in Chemistry: A Model for Designing Items 106
6.1 Introduction 106
6.2 Argumentation in Science Education 108
6.3 Science Curriculum and Argumentation 109
6.4 Assessment of Science Curricula and Argumentation 111
6.5 Learning Progressions in Scientific Argumentation 118
6.6 Implications for the Conceptualisation and Design of Argumentation Items 124
6.6.1 Three Cornerstones of a Model for Designing Scientific Argumentation Items 126
6.6.2 Deployment of Model for Item-setting in Chemistry 127
6.7 Limitations and Future Directions 135
Practical Digest 136
References 137
Chapter 7: Research and Practice on Science Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in Argumentation 142
7.1 Introduction 142
7.2 Teacher Professional Learning in Argumentation 143
7.3 Argumentation in the Context of Reform 146
7.4 Argumentation as a Conceptual, Epistemic, and Social Practice 148
7.5 Science Teachers’ Learning Needs 152
7.6 Promising Approaches for Science Teacher Learning 154
7.7 Scaling Up Science Teacher Professional Development 159
7.8 Argumentation and Equity 162
7.9 Summary 165
Practical Digest 166
Acknowledgments 169
References 169
Chapter 8: The Development of Argumentation Skills in the Chemistry Laboratory 173
8.1 Introduction: The History of the Laboratory in Science Education 173
8.2 Learning in and from the Science Laboratory 175
8.3 New Era New Goals: Goals for Learning in and from the Science Laboratory in the Twenty-first Century 178
8.4 Argumentation in the Chemistry Laboratory 178
8.5 Challenges in Implementing Argumentation in the Chemistry Laboratory 184
8.6 Teachers’ Behaviour in the Chemistry Laboratory 185
8.7 Students’ Behaviour in the Chemistry Laboratory 185
8.8 Summary 188
Practical Digest 189
References 195
Chapter 9: Argumentation within Societal Contexts in Chemistry Education 197
9.1 Introduction 197
9.2 Socioscientific Issues in the Chemistry Curriculum in England 200
9.2.1 Chemical and Allied Industries 200
9.2.2 Earth and Atmospheric Science 200
9.3 Argumentation and Socioscientific Issues 201
9.4 Active Citizenship through Socioscientific Argumentation 206
9.5 Socioscientific Inquiry-based Learning and Chemistry Education 209
9.5.1 SSIBL in Action: The Personal, Local and Global Dimensions of Climate Change 212
9.6 The Potential of SSIBL for Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education 214
9.7 Conclusions 215
Practical Digest 217
Acknowledgments 222
References 222
Chapter 10: Argumentation in Organic Chemistry Education 228
10.1 Why Do Some Students Struggle with Organic Chemistry? 228
10.2 Research on Argumentation in Organic Chemistry 233
10.3 Example Activities to Support the Incorporation of Argumentation in Organic Chemistry Lessons 234
10.4 The Effects of Incorporating Argumentation into the Organic Chemistry Classroom 239
10.5 Reflections as a Teacher Educator 241
Practical Digest 242
References 245
Chapter 11: Argumentation in Physical Chemistry 247
11.1 Introduction 247
11.2 Participants, Settings, and Methods 249
11.2.1 Participants and Settings 249
11.2.2 Methods 252
11.2.3 Toulmin’s Argumentation Scheme 252
11.2.4 Inquiry-oriented Discursive Moves 254
11.2.5 Johnstone’s Triangle 254
11.2.6 Chemical Thinking Learning Progression 254
11.2.7 Material Analysis 255
11.3 Student Argumentation - Understanding of Content and Reasoning 255
11.4 Classroom Argumentation - Influence of Course Materials 259
11.5 Promoting Productive Discourse Through Facilitation 263
11.6 Conclusions and Implications 268
Practical Digest 270
Acknowledgments 271
References 272
Chapter 12: Supporting Argumentation in Chemistry Education in Low-income Contexts 275
12.1 Introduction 275
12.2 The South African Context 276
12.3 The South African Chemistry Curriculum Context 278
12.4 The Role of Argumentation 279
12.5 Argumentation in the South African Context 280
12.6 Development of Dialogic Discourse - How to Get Learners Talking and Arguing 282
12.7 Illustrating Argumentation in South African Chemistry Classrooms 283
12.7.1 Teacher Questioning and Responses to Learner Contributions 283
12.7.2 Shared Understanding of Goals and Working with Learner Language 286
12.8 Discussion and Conclusions 288
References 289
Subject Index 292