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Conflict Intervention and Transformation

Conflict Intervention and Transformation

Ho-Won Jeong


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This book is aimed at both professionals and students who desire to deepen their understanding of the processes involved in conflict intervention and resolution effectively. Reflecting on multi-disciplinary traditions, it throws new light on discursive processes that facilitate or hamper a dialogue, essential for conflict transformation. The book covers a broad range of topics and themes for those studying introductory and advanced level courses on conflict resolution, including the principles of intervention, prevention of violence, local practice of peacemaking, identify politics and conditions for conflict resolution as well as peace negotiation.

While comprehensive in scope, this edited volume’s main theme is a transformation of inter-group dynamics as well as the process for conflict resolution. It gives a systematic coverage of ways people try to overcome the limitations of the existing approaches to conflict management and peacemaking.
Using a variety of theoretical perspectives and cases ranging from Colombia and Bosnia to Syria, Conflict Management and Transformation provides a fascinating account of the complexity of contemporary conflict transformation and resolution. The authors offer a detailed and compelling examination of how to deal with the challenges of transforming intractable conflicts and promoting sustainable and inclusive peace. Particularly relevant to both students and practitioners of peacebuilding will be its focus on how to promote greater inclusion in peace processes of often marginalised actors such as women and youth.
Ana E. Juncos, Reader in European Politics, University of Bristol
Ho-Won Jeong is Senior Editor of International Journal of Peace Studies.
The subject of conflict management is one of dynamism and therefore characterized by change, continuity, adaptation to new realities, and continuous revisiting by scholars of peace studies. This edited volume captures all of these characteristics and make it a holistic and rigorous analysis of the subject and therefore the most comprehensive to date. The approach used in the volume is well structured, coherent, and engaging. It is a must read for upper-level undergraduates, graduate students, and practitioners of peacemaking and peacebuilding.
Earl Conteh-Morgan, Professor of International Studies, University of South Florida
This book presents a great combination of innovative theoretical applications and context specific empirical analysis. Its broad range of topics is held together by the common themes of conflict transformation, inclusivity and exclusivity, and the role of civil society, making it an essential read for anyone who wants to understand and promote peace.
Patrik Johansson, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Umeå University, Sweden
Conflict Intervention and Transformation is an important new and critical text within Peace and Conflict Studies. Ho-Won Jeong does an excellent job of focusing the text with a number of important scholars writing chapters on discursive practices, peace negotiations, and identity and space in conflict transformation. This textbook will be used in graduate seminars and will be well read by scholars and policymakers interested in how to transform conflicts constructively.
Sean Byrne, PACS, University of Manitoba
This timely and innovative volume systematically explores the contribution of discursive practice at the interface of peacemaking and the sustainable transformation of entrenched conflict dynamics. Presenting new approaches to enhancing the inclusion of alternative and marginalized voices, it provides a key resource for both scholars and practitioners seeking to tackle seemingly intractable conflict systems.
Andrea Warnecke, Marie Curie Research Fellow, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Conflict Intervention and Transformation i
Conflict Intervention and Transformation: Theory and Practice iii
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
Preface ix
Chapter 1 1
Intervention for Conflict Transformation 1
Conflict Process and Intervention 2
System versus Issue Transformation 4
Structural Dimensions 6
Management versus Transformation 7
Psychological Readiness 9
Conditions for a Relationship Change 10
Steps toward Conflict Resolution 12
A Sustainable Peace Process 13
Conflict Transformation for Peacebuilding 14
Need for Transformation 15
Overview 17
Notes 20
Part I: Discursive Practice 25
Chapter 2 27
Normal Peace 27
1. Introduction 27
2. On Being and Becoming Normal 30
3. How Things Become (Ab)normal: Normalization in Practice 32
4. Conclusion 40
Notes 42
Chapter 3 47
Beyond Buzzwords 47
1. Introduction 47
2. Contributions from the Norms Literature: Inclusivity as a Norm 49
3. Inclusivity in a Mediation Process: Prioritization of Definitional Norms 52
4. Overcoming Seeming Dilemmas: Embedding Mediation and Clarifying the Pragmatic Functions of Inclusivity 54
5. Conclusion 57
Notes 58
Part II: Peace Negotiations 65
Chapter 4 67
Navigating the Inclusivity-Exclusivity Continuum of Peace Negotiations 67
2. International Law as a Framework for Contemporary Peace Negotiations 68
3. Navigating the Inclusivity-Exclusivity Continuum of Peace Negotiations 73
4. Conclusion 78
Notes 79
Chapter 5 85
Feminist Lessons for Conflict Transformation and Power Sharing 85
2. A Dayton in Damascus? 87
3. A WPS Laboratory amid Power Sharing? 90
4. Lessons not Learned 94
5. Conclusion 101
Notes 102
Part III: Identity, Space, and Conflict Transformation 109
Chapter 6 111
Placemaking for Peacebuilding 111
Placemaking and Spatial Strategies in Conflict and for Conflict Resolution 112
War Placemaking 114
Placemaking for Peace 116
Youth and Placemaking 123
Youth, Place, and Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland 125
Further Theorization 128
Notes 132
References 136
Chapter 7 139
Identity and Emotions in Mending Relations 139
Identity and Collective Action 140
The Proximate “Other” as a Source of Fear and Distrust 141
Developing Trust: A Key Component of Reconciliation 146
Conclusion 150
Notes 151
Chapter 8 157
Positive Dynamics amid Complex Identity Conflict 157
An Atmosphere of Growing Polarization 158
Reconceptualizing Islamic-Western Conflict 160
Moving from Force to Productive Dialogue 182
Prescriptions 184
Conclusion 194
Notes 195
References 199
Index 203
Contributors 209