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How Materials Matter

How Materials Matter

Graeme Were


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Book Details


How does design and innovation shape people’s lives in the Pacific? Focusing on plant materials from the region, How Materials Matter reveals ways in which a variety of people – from craftswomen and scientists to architects and politicians – work with materials to transform worlds. Recognizing the fragile and ephemeral nature of plant fibres, this work delves into how the biophysical properties of certain leaves and their aesthetic appearance are utilized to communicate information and manage different forms of relations. It breaks new ground by situating plant materials at the centre of innovation in a region.

“The book is a welcome and novel addition to the anthropology of the Pacific through its exploration of the dynamics of materials and sociality, while also introducing readers to the realities of working with digital renderings of heritage.” • Joshua A. Bell, Smithsonian Institution

Graeme Were is chair and professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the University of Bristol. He has a regional specialism in Papua New Guinea, where he has conducted ongoing ethnographic fieldwork since 2000. His published work includes Lines that Connect (2010) and Extreme Collecting (Berghahn, 2012) co-edited with J.C.H. King.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
How Materials Matter iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Illustrations vi
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction 1
PART I. Materials under the Microscope 19
Chapter 1. On the Materials of Mats 21
Chapter 2. Materials on the Move 49
Chapter 3. What’s in a Plant Leaf? 68
PART II. Materials, Design, Transformation 87
Chapter 4. Of Canoes and Troughs 89
Chapter 5. Enclosures and Disclosures 111
PART III. Material Futures 137
Chapter 6. Returning Cultural Knowledge in a Digital Design Context 139
Chapter 7. Material Histories and the Changing Nature of Museum Collections 160
Conclusion. Towards a New Understanding of Materiality 174
References 187
Index 201