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Issues in Medical Research Ethics

Issues in Medical Research Ethics

Jürgen Boomgaarden | Pekka Louhiala | Urban Wiesing


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Book Details


With the advances of medicine, questions of medical ethics have become more urgent and are now considered of great social and political significance. An innovatively designed, activity-based workbook, this text was prepared using papers and case studies collected from several countries in the European Union. It reflects the issues and concerns that confront clinical practitioners throughout Europe and elsewhere today and presents varying national responses in law and policy to these concerns, as identified by ethicists, lawyers, theologians and practitioners. The problems they examine include the relationship between medical research and medical practice, elementary regulations of medical research, the complexity of informed consent, and the role of the sponsor or scientific community.

Pekka Louhiala is a pediatrician who also holds a degree in philosophy. He teaches medical ethics at the University of Helsinki and has published on various topics inpediatric epidemiology, medical ethics and philosophy of medicine.

Jürgen Boomgaarden received his Dr.Theol in 1997. His publications include a book on the theology and philosophy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He is Assistant Professor in medical ethics at University of Tübingen.

Urban Wiesing studied medicine, philosophy, sociology and history of medicine. Since 1998 he has been Professor and Chair of Medical Ethics at the University of Tübingen.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Issues in Medical Research Ethics iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Contributors vii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1. On the nature of research 5
Chapter 2. Regulation of research 15
Chapter 3. Research versus consent 41
Chapter 4. Vulnerable groups 69
Chapter 5. The extent of the researcher’s duties 87
Glossary 99
References 104
Appendices 108
List of participants 129
List of critical readers 132
Index 133