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Educational Studies in Europe

Educational Studies in Europe


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Book Details


Reflecting the growing integration of the European Union, this volume presents one of the results of an increasing cooperation between the education departments of Berlin, Amsterdam and London universities. The aim is to achieve a better understanding of the cultural and socio-political differences of the educational sciences and, more generally, the educational consequences and possibilities of both globalizing and pluralist developments in European countries. The areas covered include theoretical discussions of educational developments in contemporary society, education organization and policy, intercultural and integration pedagogics, education for young children as well as higher education.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Educational Studies in Europe iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures x
Preface xi
Chapter 1. Educational Science in Germany 1
Chapter 2. A Paradoxical Profession 15
Chapter 3. Education in Urban Environments 28
Chapter 4. The Current 'Aesthetics' Discours and Educational Science 42
Chapter 5. Problems and Perspectives of the Socialisation Theory 58
Chapter 6. The Pedagogisation of Social Crises 69
Chapter 7. The Non-Deception of Violence 83
Chapter 8. Domains of Decision Making in Educational Organisations 91
Chapter 9. Effects of Cultural Capital in Periods of Social Change 103
Chapter 10. Considerations of a Vocation-Preparation project from the Standpoint of Organisational Theory 113
Chapter 11. School Principals in 'Own-Gender' and 'Opposite-Gender' School Cultures 124
Chapter 12. School Quality in the Process of Reunification 138
Chapter 13. Patronising Governments as Barriers to School Improvement 154
Chapter 14. The Meaning of 'Social Class' for Turkish, Moroccan and Dutch 'Social Climbers' 165
Chapter 15. New Frameworks for Intercultural Education in a Changing City 180
Chapter 16. Integration of People with a Metnal Handicap into the Community 190
Chapter 17. The Development of Daycare Pedagogics in the Netherlands 202
Chapter 18. Early Childhood Education and Care in Germany 216
Chapter 19. Parents' Attributions Regarding their Children's Development 228
Chapter 20. University Enrolment in the Netherlands 1815 to 1935 240
Chapter 21. The Influence of Schooling on the Professional Careers of Women and Men Born in Twente in the Late 1950s 254
Chapter 22. University Entrance Qualifications Obatined after Leaving School 271
Notes on Contributors 282
Index 288