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Germany and America

Germany and America

Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich


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Book Details


Leading experts on German-American relations, German politics and German Studies from both sides of the Atlantic are contributing to this volume in honor of Gerry Kleinfeld, founder and executive director of the German Studies Association, founder and long-time editor of the German Studies Review. The essays cover a broad spectrum of German-American political, economic, and cultural relations, offering an up-to-date survey of recent developments in this highly topical field.

"The contributors excel in explaining the cmplex relations between Germany and the United States and in examining the multifaceted mindset of Germans themselves ... impressively researched and well-presented."  · German Studies Review

Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich is Vice-President of the University of Hildesheim and Chair of the German-American Research Group (DAAD).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Germany and America iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Foreword vii
Message from the President of the German Studies Association x
Chapter 1. Economic Planning for the Postwar World 1
Chapter 2. Brain Drain or Academic Exile? 12
Chapter 3. Linguistic Memory 23
Chapter 4. Deutsche Verfassungsprobleme im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert aus amerikanischer Sicht 33
Chapter 5. Reforging the Basic Law 59
Chapter 6. Americanization through Negation? 76
Chapter 7. The Revision of Vision 99
Chapter 8. Beyond Cold war Mythmaking 123
Chapter 9. Marshall-Plan-Propaganda in Berlin 146
Chapter 10. The European, German, and American Left 165
Chapter 11. Kohl's Image of America 178
Chapter 12. Sternstunde der Deutschamerikanischen Allianz 196
Chapter 13. Land im Schatten 229
Chapter 14. Sowjetisch-amerikanische und sowjetisch-deutsche Beziehungen 240
Chapter 15. The Enlargements of the EU and NATO 247
Chapter 16. Of Bananas and Beef 264
Chapter 17. Was kennzeichnet modernes Regieren? 280
Chapter 18. Die deutsche Universität im Aufbruch in die Wissengesellschaft 299
Chapter 19. Der gegenwärtige politische Extremismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 310
Tabula Gratulatoria 321
Contributors 324