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Dual Nationality, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the U.S. and Europe

Dual Nationality, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the U.S. and Europe

Randall Hansen | Patrick Weil


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Book Details


Dual nationality has become one of the most divisive issues linked with the politics of migration in Germany and the US. This volume, the first one in decades to focus on this issue, examines the history, consequences and arguments for and against dual citizenship, and uses dual nationality as the basis of a reflection on important issues closely related to it: social rights, European citizenship and federal citizenship. It pays particular attention to questions such as: What are the major arguments in favor and against dual nationality? Why has dual nationality provoked such contrasting responses, being a non-issue in the UK, for instance, and an extremely controversial one in Germany? How is dual nationality used by states to influence politics and policy in other states? How does it relate to the aim of integrating ethnic migrants and to broader issues in social policy and European integration?

Patrick Weil is Director of Research at CNRS in the Centre for Research on the History of Social Movements and Trade Unionism, Paris I - Sorbonne. He is the author of a report for the French Prime Minister on French nationality and immigration law in 1997 and is a member of the French Consultative Commission on Human Rights.

Randall Hansen is Fellow and Tutor in Politics at Merton College, University of Oxford.

"A cogently written and analytical account, [this volume] is a work of impressive scholarship and a welcome addition to International Studies and Political Science reference collections and reading lists."  · Wisconsin Bookwatch

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Dual Nationality, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the U.S. and Europe iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Acknowledgements vii
List of Contributors viii
Introduction 1
Part I. The Problems and Possibilities of Dual Citizenship 17
Chapter 1. Embracing Dual Nationality 19
Chapter 2. New Rules for Dual Nationality 34
Chapter 3. Plural Citizenships 61
Chapter 4. Citizenship and Civil Society 100
Part II. Dual Citizenship in Germany 119
Chapter 5. Germany's Citizenship Law Under Immigration Pressure 121
Chapter 6. Dual Nationality and Naturalisation Policies in the German Länder 136
Chapter 7. Türekn mit Deutschem Pass 158
Part III. Other European Traditions 177
Chapter 8. The Dog that didn't Bark 179
Chapter 9. Dual Nationality and the French Citizenship Tradition 191
Part IV. Social Rights, Dual Citizenship and Nationality in an American Context 213
Chapter 10. The Attack on Social Rights 215
Chapter 11. Seeking Shelter 233
Chapter 12. Variations in Transnational Belonging 264
Part V. Reinventing Citizenship 291
Chapter 13. EU Citizenship at the 1996 IGC 293
Chapter 14. The Question of Nationality within a Federation 314
Index 331