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Enemy Images in American History

Enemy Images in American History

Ragnhild Fiebig-von Hase | Ursula Lehmkuhl


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Book Details


Ursula Lehmkuhl, Assistant Professor for International Relations at the University of Bochum.

Ragnhild Fiebig-von Hase, University of Tübingen and Lecturer in American History at the University of Cologne.

"... a fine volume ... that is theoretically/methodologically challenging and impressively scholarly ... What impresses ... is the delicate balance between sophisticated interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of 'enemy images' and the abundance of fascinating case studies ... The most important periods in American history are covered by and large."   · Günter Bischof, Eisenhower Center, University of New Orleans

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Enemy Images in American History iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
List of Illustrations vii
Preface viii
Introduction 1
Part I. Sociological and Psychological Aspects 41
Chapter 1. Some Sociobiological and Psychological Aspects of \"Images of the Enemy 43
Chapter 2. The Sociological Anatomy of Enemy Images 65
Part II. The American Revolution and Its Aftermath 89
Chapter 3. The Image of an English Enemy During the American Revolution 91
Chapter 4. The Enemy Image as Negation of the Ideal 109
Part III. Ethnic Issues 135
Chapter 5. German Immigrants and African-Americans in Mid-Nineteenth Century America 137
Chapter 6. Rhythm, Riots, and Revolution 159
Part IV. The World Wars 181
Chapter 7. German-Americans in World War I 183
Chapter 8. \"Our Enemies Within 209
Chapter 9. \"Know Your Enemy 231
Part V. The Cold War 279
Chapter 10. Friends, Foes, or Reeducators? 281
Chapter 11. The Greek Lobby and the Reemergence of Anti-Communism in the United States After World War II 301
Part VI. The Problem of Synthesis 337
Chapter 12. Culture Wars 339
List of Contributors 357
Bibliography 359
Index 385