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Haunted by History

Haunted by History

Cyrill Buffet | Beatrice Heuser


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Europe is a continent weighed down by the shadows of its past, its wars, the traditional enmities, the suspicions of neighbours fuelled by historical memories. This has immediate consequences for the understanding and representation of the past: journalists, politicians, historians often apply simplistic, pre-conceived patterns, i.e., myths, to current events, resulting in distorted and misleading analyses. This volume exposes the way some historical myths, such as Balance of Power, Rapallo, the Special Relationship, the Franco-German Couple, the Peril of Islam, are used to blur, not to clarify our understanding of international affairs, even to manipulate contemporary politics.

Cyrill Buffet is Research Fellow at the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin.

Beatrice Heuser is Lecturer in War Studies at King's College, London.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Haunted by History iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Introduction vii
Part 1. Myths of the International System 1
Chapter 1. Balance of Power, European Concert and Integration 3
Chapter 2. Myths That Keep Small Powers Going 15
Chapter 3. The Myth of Swedish Neutrality 28
Chapter 4. The Green Peril 41
Part 2. Compromise or Compromised? 51
Chapter 5. The Spanish Civil War 53
Chapter 6. Munich, or the Blood of Others 65
Chapter 7. Yalta, the Myth of the Division of the World 80
Chapter 8. The Myth of Potsdam 92
Chapter 9. Clichés of Our Memory 103
Part 3. Special Relationships 115
Chapter 10. The 'Special Relationship' 117
Chapter 11. Is Britain Part of Europe? 135
Chapter 12. Dunkirk, Dien Bien Phu, Suez or Why France Does Not Trust allies and Has Learnt to Love the Bomb 157
Chapter 13. Marianne and Michel 175
Part 4. Myths of Germany 207
Chapter 14. The Myth of the German Sonderweg 209
Chapter 15. The Myth of Prussia 223
Chapter 16. Rapallo 235
Conclusions 259
Appendix. The Berlin Myth 275
Notes on Contributors 285
Index 288